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My grandfather was Cornelius F. O'Connor born in Dungarvan on April 4, 1889.  He died when my father was a young boy in Virgina USA, hardly even knowing his own father but making sure all of his children were proud of the Irish heritage.  I've never been to Ireland and have spent years trying to find my cousins.  I know it is what both my father and grandfather wanted.  My daughter will be traveling this year to Ireland and since it will be a "gathering" I am hope to somehow reach out and find some of our family.  From notes in on of his children's baby books he states his parent were Michael O'Connor and Johanna Flynn.  I find nothing of them in the 1901 or 1911 census.  Maybe they moved but it would be awesome for his great grand daughter to connect to our proud Irish roots by knowing more than we are able.  Any help would be appriciated.  Either way..... finally... one of us gets to go home.

Saturday 23rd Feb 2013, 11:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Patricia,

    You say that your ancestor was born in Dungarvan  in 1889.  I'm wondering if you have his birth cert.? If you have this information, it shows what area in which he was registered.  Dungarvan was at that time the local government centre to register BDM, but if doesn't actually mean that your grandfather was actually born in Dungarvan.  He could have be born 10 or 15 miles away.  Ireland is made up of many townslands and a child is registered at the nearest local government centre.  You need to really peruse that document and see if it gives a district or other information.  If you dont have his actual birth cert, then  you are lucky because formal registration of birth began in 1864 and you will be able to apply to the irish BMD registers for same.

    If you are going on word of mouth regarding his birth date, then I would advise you to keep an open mind.  Many people on arrival in foreign lands were recorded in a haphazard way.

    Have you tried  looking at Ellisisland records?   You may also try logging onto irishfamily historyfoundation website.  This is free to join and you can trawl through many records before haveing to pay to view.  These contain the baptismal and marriage records of the church going back to about 1800.

    On the home page just put in a name and date and gradually refine you search.  If you put in all the information that you think you are sure about you may not get anywhere.  Always start broad and then narrow down.

    You could go on the irish times website and look at the genealogy tips.  They give townslands and parishes in ireland and explain how to start looking through the records.

    You have to try and find out what parish your ancestors were from.  You'll find that even when they landed in foreigh ports they gave as their address the nearest large town.  But this is a clue in itself.

    Hope this is of some help to you.  If I can be of any assistance, please let me know


    Sunday 24th Feb 2013, 12:50PM
  • Dear Kenden,

    Thank you for your kind reply.  I have tried all your suggestions without sucess.  The general register office cannot find his birth record coresponding to his birthday.  They said they could do more of a search ( more years) with a FAX'ed request.   I will do this, but feel they will have little luck.

    It makes sense to me that he would have been born in Dungarvan for the following reasons: 1.) He wrote in his first son's baby book that he was born in Dungarvan 2.) He was a seaman-  ships captain/ pilot.  

    May I ask what Catholic parishes in Dugarvan (1889) I might check with that have records from that long ago of baptisms?  My daughter will be leaving in May to visit Ireland and any information you might lend would be wonderful.

    Here is what we know within any amount of certainty:

    Cornelius Francis O'Connor was born in Dungarvan, Ireland on April 4, 1889  (birthday 4-4-1989 is from his gravestone, died 3-31-1935 in the US.).  He was the son of Michael O'Connor and Johanna Flynn. 

    An ?it is ?il le do chro?, leanfaidh do chosa.


    Patty O'Connor

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 03:25PM
  • Hi Patty,

    I did a genealogy course some months ago and the most frequently asked question was about the 1901 and 1911 census of Ireland.   Everybody wanted to know why their grandparents had advanced more than 10 years in age since the 1901 census?

    The professional genealogist who ran the course said that we have to try and put ourselves in the shoes of our ancestors.  Many people were uneducated.  Very few had an actual birth cert, and absolutely nobody celebrated birthdays.  It was difficult enough to make a living and feed children, so birthdays weren't even mentioned.  As a result of this the old age pension came into being in Ireland in 1909, but old people didn't know what age they were and most had to go back to church records to find out what age they were.  A baptismal cert was accepted as proof of age.  So many people who might have been 65 or so in 1901 found that they were actually 80+ and such in the 1911 census.  There were huge discrepencies with what age people thought they were and what age they actually were.

    I would say this could be applying to your case here.  Nobody had birth certs when immigrating and gave what age they thought they were.

    I went on the irishfamilyhistoryfoundation website and gradually input your information.  There are many cornelius o connors in ireland but I have only found one Cornelius O Connor whose father was Michael O Connor and mother named Johanna.  

    This person was born in 1887 and registered in the Co. Waterford site.  When I scrolled down through the parishes, he was born in Abbeyside, which is smack in the middle of Dungarvan.

    I feel that this is indeed your ancestor.  You will need to get onto this website and go on the Co. Waterford genealogy section.  You can join this site for free and trawl through many records and cross reference.  You only pay to view a particular record and it costs approx €6 to view.  You should take a look at this record.

    Kind regards, Anne K Dennehy

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 05:47PM
  • Patty,

    I was on the irishfamilyhistoryfoundation website and after finding cornelius of connor with a father michael o connor, I decided to cross reference.

    I put in cornelius o connor with a mothe johanna flynn, and would you believe it , it came back with the same record for 1887.

    Please take a look at this record as i really believe its your ancestor.  When you have the baptismal date you can go to the general register office again with these dates.


    Regards, Anne

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 05:55PM
  • We five Grandchildren of Bridget O'Connor (Connor) are also coming to Roscommon.  Maybe we are related!  We know Grandmother (Born 1873?) Bridget's parents were Bernard and Margaret (Cox), Aughrim Parish.

    I figure there's cousins there!  How exciting and I wish you and I both luck!

    From, Texas USA



    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 06:00PM
  • The kind mary at the general office  (years 1880 to 1895) did not find them registered and said it was very common, especially in the south, not to have children registered.  I just found his US draft card and it also confirms 4-4-1889. However, I am excited and will look at what you found...... finger and toes are corssed.


    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 06:09PM
  • Nancy,

    I think you may be replying to the wrong post.  Hoping you the best dear cousin!


    Patty O'Connor

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 06:13PM
  • Patty,

    I would trust the parish records.  Many children were never registered formally with the government but almost all children were baptised, so i'm very hopeful for you.

    In my own case, I had a sister who died in 1952 . She was the eldest of us and died as a baby.  We went to find out her birth dates at the local BMD office only to find there was no trace of her.  

    When we went to our local church, they had her baptismal infomation, and also what sacraments she received. Confirmation and last rites.   So as a staunchly catholic country, the church records are usually pretty spot on.

    Will you let me know if you view this record.  I'm curious to know the outcome.


    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 06:38PM
  • Anne,

    The best I could do was get a price list for 45 euros to view.  I think I will call Waterford and see what they might share with me in the morning.  Do you know what church parish would have covered Abbeyside in 1889, or has that been centrlized to Waterford?  What a wonderful gift this would be for my daughter.... especially since it just happens to be chance that she will be in Ireland the year of the gathering. 



    Patty O'Connor

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 06:57PM
  • I was notified by e-mail that you had posted something but was denied access.  Did you send something?

    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 09:23PM
  • Patty,

    Yes I sent you a long email with the info you were looking for. I'll  try again




    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 09:50PM
  • Thank you Anne.  Thank you Elaine.



    Tuesday 26th Feb 2013, 02:24PM
  • Dear Elaine, Dungarvan Parish Liaison,

    Please send me an e-mail so I can take you up on your suggestions for my daughter's visit.


    An ?it is ?il le do chro?, leanfaidh do chosa !  



    Patty O'Connor

    Friday 1st Mar 2013, 12:15AM
  • Hi Patty, not sure will this reach you as it was a few years ago now but did your daughter have any success on her journey here tracking Your dad and grandads routes/family. Regards, Emily O’Connor.

    Em lou O’Connor

    Sunday 27th Nov 2022, 12:41AM

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