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I am looking for information on the Casey family.  I recently came across a mass card for a Roger Casey.  He appeared to have lived from app. 1837 until 1904.  The 1901 census lists him living at house 5.  He may have had a first wife, Johanna nee Clancey, then married a second time to a wife, possible named Mary. ( Mary may have had a sister named Ellen, living in London. )

Roger may have had a relative/sister? named Mary who would have been born app. 1835.  Mary emigrated to Brooklyn, NY, US.  She married William Gorman, gave birth to Jullia, who married John H. Copley - my great grandfather.

I am new to genealogy and would appreciate any info.  I am especially looking to find out when family might have left Ireland and what ships they may have sailed on.


Thursday 28th Feb 2013, 06:05PM

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