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I am searching for my dads family. He is Michael Joseph Moloney born in Limerick in August 1940. His parents were Michael John Moloney and Christina Jane Moloney (nee Hedderman). He had 4 sisters Mary, Angela, Kathleen(Catherine) Christina(Nuala) and 1 brother James. Kathleen married Sean Hogan. Mary married Jim O Brien. Nuala married Ken McCartan and had 2 sons Keith and Barry and they moved to Canada in the 60's. My dads mum lived at 28 Claughaun Avenue. Dad remembers that his grandmother was called Bourke/Burke. I really would like to get to know my dads family so any hints or clues would be extremely helpful to me. Thank you so much. 

Caroline Hunt nee Moloney

caroline moloney

Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 04:00AM

Message Board Replies



    Hello Caroline, Christina was born in Croom 1912, the best way forward is to order their marriage certificate.   name:Christina Jane Heddermanregistration district:Croomevent type:MARRIAGESregistration quarter and year:Jan - Mar 1935estimated birth year: age (at death): mother's maiden name: film number:101577volume number:5Page number150


    Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 01:27PM

    Hi Brendan,

    Thank you, I will order it as soon as I can. Do you know the address of the place I can order it from please?



    Caroline Moloney


    caroline moloney

    Monday 11th Mar 2013, 07:20PM
  • Hello Caroline,


    You can apply here:





    Monday 11th Mar 2013, 09:25PM

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