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I have very limited information on the Malone side of my famiy.  It starts most recently with my great grandmother, Tobitha Jane Malone born in 1892.  Her siblings were Lydia 1881, Charles William 1885, John Aikin 1887, Frederick Isaac 1895, Houston Elza 1898, Nellie Irene 1903 and Eva who died at the age of 6 months. 

Tobitha's father was John Edward Malone (b. 7-14-1856, m. Eliza Jane Houston in Illinois on 2-22-1880, d. 5-12-1917). 

John Edward's father was Isaac Malone and he was married to Tobitha Bell.  It appears as though John was their only child.  Also, they must have divorced at some point since they both remarried.  Her father is listed only as Col. Bell.

We have been unable to go back any further than Isaac Malone and do not have any birth, marriage or death dates or locations for him. 

Any information would be much appreciated!

Monday 4th Mar 2013, 07:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    Can you tell me which one of these was born in Ireland?  John, Isaac or Tobitha??



    Tuesday 5th Mar 2013, 01:37PM
  • Hi ,

    There are several items that would determine where to look for records in Ireland.

    The Irish Genealogy Toolkit

    whill explain more about records to be found, dates for those records aand locations which will enable your serach to be more fruitful.

    There are also free resources at

    That will show the locations which are associated with the name.

    Gathering every last scrap of data about your target people will help to direct your search.

    I see Illinois as the place they married. I had to research some of my family there and came across data through one of their sites Illinois has had a lot of various genealogical data contained in free ebooks through, and newspaper searches as well.

    It took me about 6 months before I got a small piece of the puzzle, which was just a DOD, which you already have.

    Was it John who immigrated? Or was it Isaac? If you can try to pin down an approximate date, this will also direct your search, both in Ireland and the United States. Don't forget, many times a first name was used for one item, the middle name was used at the next, or even just initials were used. Last name spellings varied as well.

    It sometimes helps to identify other members of the various braches, as you have their names and  DOBs this might also lead to clues that  will help.

    Hope this all helps! Jeanette


    Tuesday 5th Mar 2013, 09:52PM
  • Hi Anne,

    I'm wondering if Isaac was born in Ireland but I'm not certain.  I do know that both John and Tobitha were born in the U.S.




    Tuesday 12th Mar 2013, 02:44PM
  • Hi Jeanette!

    Thanks for all the great resources.  I have been through most of the Illinois site - or the counties I believe they would be listed - and they do have a great amount of information.  I also found the marriage record for John Edward Malone and Eliza Jane Houston and I believe they both died in Muscatine, IA. 

    My problem is trying to track down Isaac and his parents.  I don't know if he was born in Ireland or the states and I  don't have a middle name or maybe it's possible that Isaac is his middle name.  I believe he died in Vandalia, Illinois but haven't been able to get a confirmation on that piece.  So, I don't know his full name, his DOB, marriage date or DOD.  I do have some information stating he served as an orderly under General Grant during the civil war but have no confirmation of that, either.

    So, the search continues!  I will definitely look into the resources you listed and thanks again for your help.



    Tuesday 12th Mar 2013, 02:55PM
  • Hello Heidi,

    Most parish records in Ireland are kept between two websites. and (free)

    I can't seem to find an Isaac malone  but found a few II malones on rootsireland.

    However the other site gave up a few Isaac Malones in the Dublin region.  These records are in the COI (church of Ireland) registers.  that means that the chances are that they were protestant.  If that is so then the records go back further than the catholic records.

    Go to this site and just put in Isaac Malone with no dates.  This will highlight all those by tht name through the different yers and maybe one of those is your ancestor.

    That's about all I can do for you from this side,

    Hope you find them,



    Wednesday 13th Mar 2013, 12:41PM
  • Hi,

    Took a quick look at this to try to see if a POB for Isaac could be located, so you would know where to look. Although your family lines may have emigrated from Ireland in the past, Isaacs' POB is listed as Kentucky on Johns U.S. census. Looking at LDS family search gives us Isaac with son John & brothers and sisters. Tobitha middle name was Jane? ( POB Alabama) as was your more direct grandmothers? This census matches your Vandalia data.

    Issac & Jane also show 1880 Illinois, Bond County Millersburg. You will need to research Kentucky records prior to est 1835 to get the lead on your ancestor from Ireland.

    Try google ebooks for histories of the counties involved as they often give origins on their citizens. If you have your library card, try to see if your library has Heritage quest as an online reseaerch tool over the internet. For some reason using Isaac as the main person to search does not pull up the 1880 census at LDS, however using Jane as the main person does pull the 1880 census up.

    Hope this all helps clear where you need to be looking to find the ancestor(s) that emigrated from Ireland, Jeanette

    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 07:08PM
  • Jeanette,

    Thank you so much for all your help!  For some reason I was having trouble finding information on Isaac, too.  It's great to know that he can be located through searching for Tobitha Jane.  I will definitely utilize Heritage Quest and will probably visit my local library as they have a subscription to and I can access more info. that way.

    Thanks again and I will get busy looking into the resources you found.




    Monday 25th Mar 2013, 03:30PM
  • Anne,

    Thanks for the great info. on Irish records.  It is a great help to know what is available.  I will check into the Malone information you found and see what matches up to my records.

    Thanks much!

    Monday 25th Mar 2013, 03:32PM
  • John Edward Malone, b. 14 Jul 1855, Crawford, IL; m. 1880 Vandalia, IL; d. 12 May 1917, Muscatine, IL.

    Eliza Jane Houston, b. 7 Sep 1862, Hagarsown, Fayette, IL; d. 7 Sep 1916, Muscatine, IA

    From records of Victor Payzant Cooke

    John Payzant Cooke 


    Sunday 4th Jun 2017, 03:07AM

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