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My name is Anne (Coulter) Holmes from Uxbridge, Ontario Canada.  My great,great grandparents were William John & Mary Jane (Mark) Coulter.  William John's father was Robert Coulter and that is as far back as I can go. William John's son was Robert married to Sarah (Craig) Coulter and my grandfather William John Coulter married Isabella Moles.  They went to Scotland in 1912, the year after my father David Coulter was born in Belfast. I know my predecessors travelled to US and Canada but seemed to return to Ireland and Scotland.  Have found burials in Brookside Church but otherwise information is very limited on GGGgrandfather Robert who also had a son James.   Hoping to connect to find common roots back to GGGgrandfather Robert.  Kindest regards,

Anne Holmes.

Friday 8th Mar 2013, 03:39PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Anne,

    Thanks for your message.

    I have forwarded it on to one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to advise or assist you.

    Kind regards,

    Genaelogy Support

    Friday 3rd May 2013, 10:15AM

    I assume you have the family in the 1901 & 1911 censuses but if not:





    Robert died in 1914. Here?s the abstract (summary) of his probate file. The full probate file should be in PRONI, Belfast (not on-line though). He died intestate.


    Full Abstract :

    Administration of the Estate of Robert Coulter late of 33 Howe Street Belfast Labourer who died 21 April 1914 at 138 Upper Meadow Street in said City granted at Belfast to Sarah Coulter the Widow


    William John Coulter?s marriage to Mary Jane Mark was registered in Ballymena in 1850; Robert Coulter & Sarah Craig?s marriage was registered in Ballymena in 1870; William John Coulter and Isabella?s marriage was registered in Belfast in 1902.



    James Alexander Coulter (son of Wm John) married Ann McKee.  Their marriage was registered in Ballymena in 1874.  James died 1933. Full Abstract :

    Coulter James Alexander of Ballymacilroy county Antrim farmer died 11 September 1933 Probate Belfast 19 October to John Coulter and Francis Coulter blacksmith. Effects ?30. (Again the full probate file should be held in PRONI).


    Griffiths Valuation for 1862 has 5 Coulter farms listed in Ballymacilroy. You would expect most of them to be related to each other. Samuel had a house, outbuildings and 15 acres (plot 3); Thomas 27 acres (plots 15 & 16) James 20 acres (plot 18a); John 14 acres (plot 21) and William John 15 acres on plot 22.


    You can see when each farm changed tenannts by using the PRONI on line revaluation link.


    There were still 3 Coulter farms there in 1901, plus a retired farmer and a household of weavers:



    If the family attended Brookside Presbyterian church, then unfortunately the earliest baptism records are only for 1859, and marriages from 1845 (earlier records having been lost), so you?ll probably struggle to get back much further that you have already got. One possible source would be the tithe applotment records for Ballymacilroy (covering 1820 ? 1830) which would show anyone listed in the townland who had any land at that time. These are not on-line (for Co Antrim) but are held in PRONI. They are indexed in order of parish.  Ballymacilroy is in Drummaul parish. Microfilm MIC15AA/16 at PRONI.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 12th May 2013, 02:58PM
  • Thank-you very much for your response.  We did have all of the information with the exception of James Alexander's will probate from PRONI.  My sister has a photo of his gravestone in Brookside.  We do find it very difficult to trace back past 1850s and keep hoping some relative still in Ireland may be able to fill in the missing clues.  We know there was some connection with our GGGgrandfather Robert Coulter (born 1798) and his son William John (b. 1824) to a Thomas Fry.  Thomas Fry may be a half brother to our GGgrandfather William John. This came from our mother who got that information while my parents honeymooned in Ireland in 1937.  I do note that Thomas Fry owned the residence where our GGgrandmother Mary Jane (Mark) Coulter was living in the 1901 Census, so it seems to validate some connection.  We also note that our GGGgrandfather Robert Coulter/Colter of Prockless had some connection to a widow named Black (may have been a housekeeper) as her son Charles Black reported his death according to the death certificate dated 1891.

    The Scottish Coulters were merchants who owned sailing ships that sailed from many British ports  including Ireland to the colonies.  There were Coulters in Ireland in late 1700s who acted as booking agents for those who wished to be passengers from Irish ports.  Often the captains did not list family members on board ship who were travelling back and forth, so that too makes it difficult to track relatives down who may have travelled to the US and Canada or back and forth to Scotland.

    Kindest regards,

    Anne (Coulter) Holmes in Canada


    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 07:08PM
  • Hi Anne

    My Coulter family were also from Co Antrim. Hester (Hessie) Coulter married William Spence around 1835. We dont know her parents names or anything about her line. DNA hasnt thrown up any matches just yet either. William and Hessie lived in Carmacmoin, Ahoghill, Co Antrim and were quite successful farmers having multiple children.

    Hessie died 23 October 1882 at Carmacmoin, Ahoghill, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Hessie was born around 1811. Her husband William Spence died 13 August 1863 at Carmacmoin, Ahoghill, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. William was born around 1808.

    Their children were:

    • Thomas Spence 1837-1875
    • James Spence 1840-1924
    • William Robert Spence 1845-1934
    • Dora Spence 1851-1930
    • Mary Jane Spence 1852-1935
    • Courtney Spence 1855-1934
    • Sarah McCord Spence -1855-1943


    Sunday 16th Jun 2019, 01:41AM
  • Revolution,

    There were 2 Spence farms in Carmacmoin in Griffiths Valuation for 1862. William had plot 4a which was a 21 acre farm. Robert was next door on plot 5, a 26 acre farm. You would expect William & Robert to be related.

    Robert left a will. Here’s the abstract, but the full will is on-line on the PRONI wills site and mentions his wife and children and a grandson in Australia.

    The Will (with two Codicils) of Robert Spence late of Carmacmoin County Antrim Gentleman deceased who died 16 December 1879 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of James Spence of 3 St. Aidan's-terrace Claughton Birkenhead County Chester Merchant one of the Executors.

    William Spence was also subletting a labourer’s cottage to a Patrick Spence. (Plot 4b on his farm). There’s a Patrick Spence death in 1871 aged 85. So I wonder if that was his father. (The death certificate may tell you).

    There were no Spence farms in Carmacmoin in the 1825 tithes suggesting either they lived elsewhere or only became farmers in that townland after 1825.…

    There’s an advert in the Ballymena Observer of 23.7.1887 for the sale of one of Robert Spence’s farms. A range of items were to be sold from his farm at Carmacmoin eg farm implements, 8 acres of oats, 18 pecks of superior flax, 1 churning machine, a good 8 day clock etc etc

    I searched the Braid site for possible Spence gravestones but did not find any. William’s death is reported in the Ballymena Observer of 22nd August 1863, and in a couple of other papers, but it does not mention the funeral arrangements. Hester’s death is mentioned in the Northern Constitution of 28.10.1882. It gives her address as River View, Ahoghill but again made no mention of the funeral arrangements.

    Robert Spence’s will mentions the Rev David Adams who was a Presbyterian Minister in Ahoghill so that is a pointer to the family church. There are 3 Presbyterian churches in Ahoghill and I don’t immediately know which one he was Minister of. However the Presbyterian Historical Society in Belfast would be able to tell you should you wish to find out.

    None of the 3 Presbyterian churches has any records earlier than 1835, so tracing the family back before that may prove difficult.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 16th Jun 2019, 07:24PM
  • Thank you Elwyn for a very fast response!


    We have DNA linked the following Spences - William, Robert, John, Nancy and Sarah. DNA is also pointing towards a James Spence who married Mary Sines.

    These are the possible progenttors of the clan - Erected in memory of William Spence of Ahoghill who departed this life 7th August 1833, aged 63 years. Also of Nancy his wife who departed this life 21st July 1837, aged 62 years. AHOGHILL OLD Cemetery

    I couldnt find the Hester Spence death notice on FMP. Where did you locate it?


    The Ahoghill tithes

    Name    Townland
    Spence, 1825    Galgorm Parks
    Spence, Andrew     Tullagarley
    Spence, James     Limnaharry
    Spence, James     Loughmagary
    Spence, James     Tullagarley
    Spence, Joseph     Limnaharry
    Spence, Thomas     Loughmagary
    Spence, William     Tullagarley
    Spence, William, Jr.     Tullagarley

    Portglenone Tithe Applotment Books 1825

    Spence, Andrew Townland : Ballykenedy Year: 1825

    Spence, Andrew Townland : Brocklamount Year: 1825
    Spence, John Townland : Fenagh Year: 1825
    Spence, Joseph Townland : Ballynafie Year: 1825
    Spence, Robt. Townland : Ahoghill Year: 1825
    Spence, Thomas Townland : Galgorm Year: 1825
    Spence, Wm. Townland : Ahoghill Year: 1825 


    Erected by William in memory of his daughter Maggie, who died 21st October 1894, aged 16 years, and his son William, who
    died 12th April 1896, aged 22 years Comment[Sandstone Headstone] [William Spence died 12th April 1896, No will]
    BROOKSIDE Presbyterian Cemetery
    Erected in memory of William Spence of Ahoghill who departed this life 7th August 1833, aged 63 years. Also of
    Nancy his wife who departed this life 21st July 1837, aged 62 years. AHOGHILL OLD Cemetery
    Erected to the memory of Ann wife of James Spence of Cullybackey who departed this life 22nd January 1822,
    aged 62 years. Also of her husband James Spence who departed this life 16th November 1833, aged 82 years.

    Erected in memory of James Spence of
    Limnaharry who departed this life 16th
    September 1834, aged 61 years. "In acts
    of charity and love, his time he died
    employ and now we hope in bliss above,
    her shares his masters joy". Also his wife
    Sarah Spence who departed this life 4th
    June 1859, aged 80 years. And of their
    daughter Elizabeth Spence who departed
    this life 19th September 1880, aged 81


    [Sandstone Headstone] Leman Sarah. Effects under £100, 13 January.
    [1860] Letters of administration of the personal estate of Sarah Spence alias
    Leman late of Gloonan in the county of Antrim, widow, deceased, who died
    4 June 1859, at same place were granted at Belfast to Samuel Leman of
    Ahoghill in the county of Antrim Innkeeper the uncle next friend and for the
    benefit of Elizabeth Spence, Mary Spence, Margaret Anne Spence, Jane
    Spence and Ally Spence the children only next of kin said deceased. [James
    Spence 16/09/1834. Sarah Spence 04/06/1859, will found. Elizabeth Spence
    19/09/1880, no will. Spence Alias]

    Erected in memory of a beloved son Joseph Spence, who departed this life May 20th 1835, aged 22 years, also his
    mother Eliza Ann Spence, who departed this life 14th November 1870, aged 84 years, also his father William
    Spence, who departed this life 26th January 1871, aged 88 years, also his son William Henry Spence, who
    departed this life 26th February 1896, aged 74 years, also Eleanor Spence, wife of William Henry Spence, who
    departed this life 8th May 1904, aged 71 years, "Thy will be done"
    TRUMMERY Graveyard, Magheramesk (This is located near Antrim town which is quite a long way from Ahoghill
    (c.14 miles) William lived in a house near a lime kiln and quarry, and was probably employed there.

    Erected by Robert Spence, in memory of
    his three children wo died in infancy, also
    his mother Martha Spence, of Garvaghy,
    who died 14th Janaury 1898,aged 78
    years, and his father James Spence, who
    died at his sons residence Bann View
    Cottage, Gortfadd, in the year 1908, in the
    92nd year of his age, Rkobert Spence,
    died 22nd July 1930, aged 78 years,
    Margaret Spence, died 29th January 1933,

    aged 81 years
    Comment [Sandstone Headstone] [MARTHA SPENCE, 14th January 1898, NT]
    PORTGLENONE Church of Ireland Graveyard. Portglenone is about 6 miles from Ahoghill.
    n loving memory of our dear father George Spence, who died 12th November 1883, also our beloved mother Elizabeth Spence,
    who died 9th November 1917, also Teresa, dearly beloved wife of Joseph Spence, who departed 8th January 1827, also their
    daughter Lily, who died in infancy, also our beloved brother Mercules, who died 14th April 1930, on whose souls sweet Jesus
    have mercy, [Left hand side] Maureen, daughter of Theresa and Joseph, died 16th July 1931, Joseph husband of Theresa, died
    29th August 1939 RIPComment[Celtic Cross On Plinth, Stone Surround] [George Spence 12/11/1883, check 84, 20th June
    1884, Effects £1,104 16s 11d, The will of George Spence late of Belfast, Brick manufacturer, who died 12th November 1883 at
    same place was proved at Belfast by Elizabeth Spence of Belfast, Widow, one of the Executors]
    Prospect Cemetery Carrickfergus. (Carrickfergus is 28 miles from Ahoghill on the East coast of Northern Ireland

    Erected by Patrick Spence Belfast in
    memory of his beloved mother Agnes
    Bailie who died 19th April 1898 aged 70
    years. Also her husband Archibald Bailie
    who died 19th January 1900 aged 77


    [Limestone Headstone] [Agnes Baile 19th April 1898, NT. Archibald Baile
    19th January 1900, NT.]

    Broughshane 1

    st Presbyterian Church Cemetery (Racavan townland) Broughshane is only a few miles from Ahoghill near

    Erected by Matthew Spence, in loving memory of his daughter Nellie, who died 15th June 1891, aged 12 years,
    also Maggie who died 9th January 1896, aged 20 years, and his wife Bridget Spence, who died 13th August 1900,
    aged 54 years, also their youngest daughter Harriet who died 19th September 1903, and their only son Matthew
    who died 24th June 1907, also the above named Matthew Spence, who died 18th June 1909, and his daughter
    Agnes who died 18th May 1914, also Sarah who died 23rd August 1941, also Bessie Spence who died 26th
    November 1953, last member of the family, blessed are the dead who die in the lord, Rev 14 13. BALLYMENA
    New Cemetery in Kirkinriola townland.
    Erected by William Spence, in memory of his daughter Annie, who died 20th April 1900, also his beloved wife Mary,
    who died 26th February 1924, also the above named William Spence who died 24th September 1926, and his
    daughter Maggie Spence, who died 16th February 1933, also his son John Spence who died 29th May 1939
    BALLYMENA New Cemetery.


    Sunday 23rd Jun 2019, 11:06AM
  • You ask where I found the Hester Spence death notice. I have a subscription to the British Newspaper Library and found it on that site.

    Spence is a very common surname in the Ahoghill area. It will be hard to work out which family is related to yours.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 23rd Jun 2019, 08:11PM

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