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I am searching for any information regarding baptisms or family information of my Great-great Grandfather Michael Mahony, born about 1835 somewhere in the Mitchelstown area and/or my Great-great Grandmother, Ellen Lewis..born about 1836 in Co. Cork.

Michael married Ellen Lewis in Bristol, UK in 1857. We have established our family in every UK census that follows. Each census lists Cork, Ireland as 'Where Born'. Fortunately, one UK census (1891) lists Michael at 'Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, Ireland'. Ellen's entry just lists Cork, Ireland. Since the area borders on 3 counties, I am finding it ever challenging with location possibilities. I'm also aware as well about the possible name derivatives such as O'Mahony, etc.

August 4, 1857 in the Catholic Chapel in the District of Bristol

Michael Mahony, aged 22 years, Bachelor - Masons Labourer. St. James Back, Bristol
Father's name - Philip Mahony, Carpenter - Deceased

Ellen Lewis, aged 21 years, Spinster. St. James Back, Bristol
Father's name - Daniel Lewis, Masons Labourer

Witnesses: Margaret Hagerty and William Mahony
We have not established information as yet any information my G-G-G Philip (deceased at the time of his son's marriage) without knowing his wife's name.

Michael's baptism is my priority to establish his Mother's name.

Several years ago I wrote the Mitchelstown RC church, but was notified that no baptisms were found in their records for Michael with a Philip for a father. Philip 'John' runs in the generational family name, and sometimes I wonder now about a 'John' possibility.

Last year, I contacted Mallow Heritage Centre for a baptism search for Michael Mahony with a Philip as father, but there were no definitive possibilities that fit found in the 46 parishes in the Diocese of Cloyne. They suggested I may wish to contact the Tipperary North Genealogy Centre, which I haven't done as yet.

Griffith's Valuation lists very few Philip Mahonys, but there are 2 in Knocknascrow and Scrowmore. That speculation can't be established at this point. The same goes for a IFHF marriage record for a Phil Mahony to a Norry Noonan in Shrove, Kilbehenny 14-Feb-1828.

It would be a dream to know just where my paternal family was rooted in the Mitchelstown area prior to our pending 2013 trip to Ireland from Canada. If not, and if we don't fare well in the Dublin archives prior to heading to the South of Ireland, I know we shall still enjoy visiting the Mitchelstown-Kilbeheny area for a few days!


Friday 8th Mar 2013, 06:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • I will make some enquiries asap I know that both mahony and lewis families still live in the kilbehenny area. Despite being in county limerick the postal adress for kilbehenny is county cork and back in the early 1800s all the land was part of the kingston estate which was based in mitchedlstown county cork. It may be worth having a look at and search in the old graveyard in kilbehenny . If I come up with anything in the meantime i will get back to you.



    Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 08:11AM
  • Hello Dine,

    Try the website for parish records.   Some of cork is also covered by (totally free).

    Start with just basic name and date and gradually refine your search adding more info as you go.



    Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 12:29PM
  • Hello Diane,

    What part of Canada are you in now and did Michael O'Mahoney emigrate, or was that a later member of the family?

    As John says there are quite a few Mahoneys around Kilbehenny and also Lewis, still in the Scrowmore area. We meet  them occasionaly: we will look out for them now.

    Have you other Irish connections that you are visiting and when are you planning on arriving? 


    Conor O'Brien

    Friday 15th Mar 2013, 10:54AM
  • Thank you all for your postings, John, Elaine, Anne and Conor. I have sent you all personal emails to thank you for your time and comments regarding my search. I do hope to be able to find my baptism I seek and to visit this area soon enough.

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 10:54PM
  • Thank you very much, Elaine for the above information. I shall keep you posted with any success.

    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 01:58PM
  • Diane,

    According to the embarkation ticket of my Mahoney family to Ontario Canada as part of the 1825 Peter Robinson Immigration, the widow of Jeremiah Mahoney of Brigown immigrated to Canada with her children. Mary "Mahony" nee Raybould was from Brigown, which is an old area within the current city of Mitchelstown. There is also a well kept cemetary there which I visited in 2011.Perhaps there is a connection as your Given names are similar to my family group.




    Friday 25th Apr 2014, 05:35PM
  • Diane 

               I attach bapstism and marriage records on www.rootsireland from Kilbeheny parsh on mahony /  lewis  clans plus 1850 griffith valuation and 1830 tithe applotments valuation records. I trust  they may assist your visit


    Saturday 13th Dec 2014, 10:21PM

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