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It is unknown when Pierce moved to England, but we know he was there in 1795, for on the 15th November of that year he married Mary Hardwick at the Church of Saint Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, London. Banns were read 25th October, 1st November and 8th November 1795. Pierce signed his name and Mary made her mark. Ten months after their marriage, we find the Collits at King Street, Tower Hill, London. On 27th January 1799 Pierce’s third child and first son was born at Minories which runs from Aldgate south towards Tower Hill. It was soon after this that Pierce came to trial at the Old Bailey London before Mr. Justice Recorder on Wednesday 9th July 1800. He was convicted of receiving stolen goods and was transported on the Minorca which dropped anchor in Sydney Cove on 14 December 1801. His family were amongst the passengers. The records (e.g. age at time of trial and at death) suggest that Pierce was born proximate to 1763 and all sources claim Thomastown, Kilkenny as his place of birth.

Monday 1st Apr 2013, 01:03AM

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