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My ggg-grandfather was named Hugh Clark (b1791, his wife was Margaret (b1791).  Their son was James H. Clark (b1823) and his wife was Catherine McRoberts (b1826).  Their sons wereJohn James Clark (b1844)  and Charles Edward  and Patrick Clark and a daughter Margaret (b1846).  I do not have birth years for Charles and Patrick. 

The entire famly came to the USA and settled in Ohio around 1847.  

I would love to know where the family originated and if there is any extended family left.  



Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 10:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    WOW, you have a lot of connections to a variety of locations in Ireland through various branches of this Clark family.  Still trying to find various documentation to determine James H and Catherine locations of origin, but these are connections that popped up right away. Some publihed (on the internet) suggest that Wife Catherine is of Carrickfergus, County Antrim, but I have not been able to discern where they obtained that information from, so will keep checking to prove or disprove it as a lead.

    So far I have uncovered branches: Thomas Moran in County Kilkenny, Mary Catherine McDonald in County Antrim and her father and mother, Michal McDonald in County Antrim and Mary McKeney in County Antrim.  

    Mary McKeney tombstone reads:

    ?? Her Leys Remains of

    Mary McKeney The

    Daughter of John McKenney,

    born in the Parish of

    Lough Geel. Consort

    of Mical McDonal & from

    The County of Antrim,

    & aged (unreadable)5 years.??

    Mary and husband Mical (Michael) remains are said to ?be in St. Joseph?s  in Guernsey County Ohio.?

    As the Tombstone of their daughter Rosanna also reads that she was born in ?Parish Loch Geel, County Antrim? I would expect to see that their daughter Mary also was born in Loch Geel, County Antrim.

    Mary McDonald married Thomas Moran (of County KilKenney) and in turn had a daughter named Mary Catherine Moran in Ohio.

    Mary Catherine Moran in turn married Hugh Clark Jr, son of Hugh Clark and Margaret McColough, born est 1827 Ireland. Hugh Jr. shows on census records as estimated DOB of 1832 -1834. These would be Great Aunt and Great Uncle if the James is his elder brother. The great portion would increase depending on how far down the generational ine you were born

    I am giving the full link here as it directly opens a PDF.

    Mary Catherine Moran and Hugh Clark Jr. are both buried in St. Patricks Church Cemetery. Hugh Jr. and their family unit resided in Jackson Township, Perry County, Ohio until their deaths.

    Both St. Joseph and St. Patricks Churches are Catholic and was in the Diocese of Columbus.

    Any relations to these people would be cousins of various degrees.

    I have been looking into this aspect for clues and  first see your family James H and Margaret located in 1850 Jackson Township Perry County Ohio, listed in the same house with Hugh Sr. and Wife Margaret.  Children at that time are John DOB ABT 1845 Ireland, Margaret DOB 1846 Ireland, and Edward DOB Dec 09 1848 Ohio. So it looks like Charles Edward was the first generation to be born in America. James does give a date of 1847 as emigration in later census.

    1860 though does not show James and Catherine in Jackson, Perry County Ohio with Hugh Sr.. Margaret is not listed so presuming has passed.. Hugh Jr is with Hugh Sr. along with John Black, his wife Mary Black and their 4 children, Mary, Margaret, Hugh and Daniel. Margaret and Hugh are born in Canada.

    1860 shows James and wife Catherine in Pike, Perry County, Ohio with children John J DOB ABT 1844 IRE,  Margaret DOB ABT 1846 IRE, Edward DOB ABT 1848 OH, Patrick DOB ABT 1850 OH, Elizabeth DOB ABT 1856 OH.

    1870 no longer shows Hugh Sr. in Jackson Township, Perry County, Ohio, but does show Hugh Jr. and wife Catherine with children John, Margaret, Mary, Alice and James. The Black household is also shown separate and appears that wife Mary has passed, children listed are Margaret, Hugh and Daniel.

    1870 Darby, Madison County Ohio shows James and Wife Catherine with John DOB ABT 1844, Edward dOB ABT 1850, Patrick SOB ABT 1852, Elizabeth, DOB ABT 1855 and Mary C DOB ABT 1861.

    From 1880 till death James and Catherine stayed in McDonald Township, Hardin county, Ohio.

    Skipping ahead to 1900 as this census does show a connection the Black family listed prior.

    1900 shows your James @ 77 widowed with daughter Mary C. @ 39 and a little girl Edney Black @ 8 listed as niece.

    1940 census Lists Mary C as Head @ 49 with Edna E Black as a cousin.

    Ok, now I have a few questions that might help determine where James and Catherines records might be located. Excellent explanation of what records are where can be found at do you have that links James as a son of Hugh Sr.? Death certificate? Is it possible that James was a nephew of Hugh Sr.? Where is Catherines last name from? Is it a death certificate?

    What religion did they prefer? Were they Catholic? Are there any relevant family traditions? Any other details that might give insight? Which sibling are you descended from? ( so I can rule out your publishings if you have any online)

    Look forward to hearing from you and hope this is helpful, Jeanette

    Friday 19th Apr 2013, 07:56AM
  • Wow you found a lot of information.  I was not aware of Hugh Jr. but I was surprised that our tree showed just one son/child in a Irish Catholic family.  The infomation I've been working from is a family tree created by my great uncle's wife back in 1971.  This tree shows Hugh Clark born in Ireland and died in Perry County, Ohio in 1867.  His wife Margaret (maiden name unknown) was born in Ireland and died in Perry County, Ohio in 1855.  The only child shown is James H. Clark born March 14, 1823 in County Antrim, near Belfast in Northern Ireland and died Feb. 8, 1908. .  His wife is shown as Catharine McRoberts born March 18, 1826 and married Jan. 31, 1844, died Jan. 17, 1900.  ( Her parents are listed as John and Elizabeth Roberts).   James H and Catharine Clark are buried in St. Marys Cemetery, Kenton, Ohio.  

    James H and Catharine had 7 children:  John James Clark - born 10/25/1844 in County Antrim, Ireland, died Aug. 20, 1933, Paulding Co., Paulding, Ohio.  Burial in Paulding, Ohio but the cemetery is not listed. Margaret C. Clark, Charles Edward, Patrick J., Elizabeth, Mary C and James who died in infancy.  I do not have birth years or places on anyone except John James since he was my grandfather's father.

     John James & his wife Christina McCarthy (born in Ohio 8/8/1862 died 5/1/1932 Paulding Co, Ohio) had 10 children one of whom was my grandfather.  

     If I can locate the church where they were married and/or where the children were baptized that would be a great starting point.  I'm hoping to visit Ireland this year (September) but it depends on money (of course) and if I can locate any "family areas" to visit.

     I also have family from Offaly (The Colligans) Clare (Conleys), Galway (McDonough), Co Kerry (name not certain, various names have shown for the same person - Mary Riley (married name Riley) possible Kenny?) and Tipprary (Egan).  Most of my family lines lead to Ireland it seems!  I also have  Robinson, Grace, Nugent &  McCarthy  in the family but no idea of origin.  

    Thanks for all your help, I am so excited to visit Ireland. 

    Betty Colligan

    Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 12:15AM
  • Hi Betty,

      I am researching my wife's mother's family.  My wife is Julia O'Neil and my mother-in-law is Mary L. Clark-O'Neil who was born in Delphos, Ohio.  Her father was Daniel Clark,  the son of John James Clark and Christina McCarthy. Most of the genealogy info I have was assembled by Daniel's younger sister Lucille (Hessler) who I met several years ago. Is she your great-uncle's wife?  I think it might be the same document you have.

     So which of Daniel's brothers was your grandfather? I have a nice family photo showing John and Christina and their children: Grace, John, Leo, Ed, Alfred, Helen, Cornelius, Joe, Daniel and Lucille.

    I happened upon this site and would love to share information about this family.  My own family, the Haley's (Healy) came from Ireland in 1852 and settled in Ohio, but I haven't been able to determine where other than county Galway.  My wife and I would like to make a visit to Ireland, someday, and it would mean a whole lot more if - like you have mentioned- we could visit the graves of some of our ancestors.

    I don't know if you are familiar with the Clark clan in Delphos, but they have an annual family reunion (we just attended 3 weeks ago) in Delphos.

    Let me know what you are interested in.


    Christopher Haley, Findlay, Ohio






    Monday 8th Jul 2013, 09:34PM
  • Hi Christopher, 

    Yes your wife is from the same family - my grandfather was Alfred and my mom was Angel.  I have 2 aunts left in that family, Helen is 93 or so and Mary is 75.  As you could see by the first response to my post there was/is another branch of the Clark's that I was unaware existed - Hugh Jr.  The family tree I was "working" from was the one Uncle Joe's wife Elvira had done in the 1970's and she only showed Hugh Sr and James H to John James - I was completely surprised to find Hugh Jr. and I've been in touch with one of his descendants through   There seems to be a lot of the same names used in both trees but the Hugh Jr's family lived in Perry County, Ohio which seems to be a bit distant from Paulding County.  Do you have any birth/death/marriage certificates for the Clarks?  I'm not familar enough with Ohio vital records and what is needed to order records.  I've thought about just going to Paulding and visiting the court house and getting whatever I can but then I get busy....  I think the photo you're refering to is the same one I have from aunt Helen!  It's a great picture, is it the one from aunt Grace's first communion?  I also have a picture of John James & Christina McCarthy.  

    When I was young we use to travel to Bryan Ohio for the Clark family reunion but once my mom died we no longer received notices about when and where the reunion is held.  It's nice they are still going on, my Clark side try to get together but it only happens every 5 years or so.  We had a reunion last year but turnout wasn't as good as hoped, too many kids involved in sports, some people had to work, etc.  We'll have to schedule later in the day for the next one.  There are 60+ first cousins on the Clark side and a good number of them still live in the Jackson area, several of us are on Facebook so we are able to keep up with what's going on with everyone and their family. 

    I've been hoping to travel to Ireland this year but right now it looks like it may be next year, it depends on what information I can find in the next month or so.  I'm trying to find the Colligan's (dads side), all I know is Kings Co./Offaly and I'd love to visit the Clark's area too.  Then there are the other "lines" McCarthy, McRoberts, Mcdonough, Riley, Egan, Reilly, Robinson, Conley.  Dad's side is 100% Irish and mom's mother's side appears to be German & Irish.  So many names and such little information.

    It's great to hear from you - are you on Ancestry or Geni or any other site where we can "join" trees and information?  Otherwise I'm happy to email pictures back and forth.  My email is   Attached are a couple of photos, one is Alfred Clark family and the other is the photo of John James & Christina 

    Best regards





    Tuesday 9th Jul 2013, 05:13PM
  • Hi Christoper, 

    I am going to Ireland! We leave on September 1st and I was wondering if you found any information on where the Clark's were from in Antrim?  Your wife is one of my cousins through the Clarks, you never did answer whether you are on Ancestry or any of the other sites.  I did dna testing and I have data loaded to Ancestry, 23andme, ftdna and Gedmatch.  If Julia is onn any of those sites we should have a match.  Please email me at and let me know if you have anything I can use to find the Clarks in Ireland 



    Betty Colligan

    Monday 11th Aug 2014, 11:37PM
  • Hi Christoper, 

    I am going to Ireland! We leave on September 1st and I was wondering if you found any information on where the Clark's were from in Antrim?  Your wife is one of my cousins through the Clarks, you never did answer whether you are on Ancestry or any of the other sites.  I did dna testing and I have data loaded to Ancestry, 23andme, ftdna and Gedmatch.  If Julia is onn any of those sites we should have a match.  Please email me at and let me know if you have anything I can use to find the Clarks in Ireland 



    Betty Colligan

    Monday 11th Aug 2014, 11:37PM

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