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1829 tithe applotments county kilkenny parish of grangesilvia townland barrowmount and writing on document states goresbridge brought forward 46 alicia campbell 20 perch 20d  5s 3d for landlord and 5 1/2 d for vicar 

trying to locate goresbridge in the griffiths valuation but i cannot find it which section of the parish of grangesilvia should i go to to locate goresbridge area 

liam hua duinn

Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 10:03PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello William,

    If you are having difficulty locating Goresbridge on the Griffith Valuation map you could try and find it on the historical Ordnance Survey maps and cross reference it’s position.,668225,653688,6,7

    Best regards Michael.

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 09:48AM

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