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I am researching my Gt Grandparents Thomas Ryan who married Mary Ryan on 9th April 1860. I think they were married in the village of Morroe. I was wondering if there is still an old church there & indeed if any records might still exist.

Many thanks



Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 12:24PM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon Ladybird

    This community website might be some help

    I'm in Galway so a fair distance away and don't know an awful lot about the records of Co. Limerick but from a local history directory I have here it says that for the Parish of Murroe, Boher and Abington (in the Diocese of Cashel and Emly) in East Limerick the baptism records begin on 15 June 1814  - 3 Nov 1845; 3 Nov 1845- 25 Dec 1880; 1814-1899; 1814-1900; Marriages are from 25 No 1815-2 Nov 1845; 16 Nov 1845-1 Sept 1880; 1815-1899; 1815-1900.

    There is also a link on this site to some inscriptions in the church windows

    You can see a photo of the church here:

    Good luck

    Mrs Doyle

    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 12:36PM
  • Hello,

    I have looked in our parish records are there doesnt seem to be a record of the above marriage on that date, I also had a look at the baptismal records and no children found to the above either.

    You could try the neighbouring parishes of Cappamore and Caherconlish there can be crossover between them.

    If you have any further info on the family it might help ?

    Let me know if i can help



    Tuesday 23rd Apr 2013, 02:03PM
  • Hi

    It is a long time since I have done research! I have now found out that my great grandparents Thomas & Mary Ryan may have been married in Cappermore on 22nd June 1860 & not 9th April 1860 in Morroe as previously thought. I can still not find anything on line but was wondering if there might be any church records still in existence.

    Many thanks



    Friday 20th Jan 2017, 10:56PM

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