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Looking for any information on relatives of my Grandfather Norman Robinson born in Northern Ireland 1920. He was a rifleman in the Royal Ulster Rifles.

He married in Scotland in 1944 and listed his address as Belfast. At some stage they moved to Ballymena around 1945-1950 and had three daughters (all living).  In 1951 they immigrated to Australia. 

From Norman's death certificate it shows his parents are William Robinson and Sarah McClenahan. William was a Ship Stoker. I have no specific information on William or Sarah but I think they lived in Belfast.

In the 1911 census I found a family of William and Sarah in Queen St North (Duncairn, Antrim) but this is too recent to connect to Norman.

I have looked at PRONI but I didnt find anything in particular. I would love to hear from anyone that may have any information on siblings of Norman or other family connections.

Kind regards


Monday 29th Apr 2013, 03:07PM

Message Board Replies


    There were just 2 Norman Robinson births in Belfast in 1920. One was Apr ? Jun 1920 Volume 1, page 297 & the other Oct ? Dec Vol 1, page 241.


    I?d suggest you order copies of those certs and from that you may confirm his birth and his parents? identity.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 08:49PM

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