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Thomas Burton married Alice Kidd.

Known children were Thomas, William and John (1787)

John was in the Benburb Yeomanry under the command of Capt.Will Richardson. He lived in Kildress.

In 1827 John wrote to ask for help to emigrate. He said he was a yeoman and linen muslin diaper weaver with a wife and 5 children. His wife was Jane Beaver.

In 1830 they landed  in Quebec and are well documented from then. John died in 1881 age 94.

Family stories say they came from Crossroads. I have found a Burton Crossroads on some maps of the area around Cookstown.

Brother Thomas Burton never left Ireland. He trained in Dublin as an apothecary, graduating in 1809. He joined the Royal Navy. In 1813 he was appointed a Royal Navy Surgeon. In 1824 he was ill and discharged to half pay. His pay was delivered by Joseph Dufaur naval agent of Moy. He died in 1828.

Brother William Burton is said by family lore to have been a schoolteacher. There was one at Curran, Clonfeacle, in 1860.

Anyone who has seen anything on Burtons or Beavers, or even Burton Crossroads, I would so appreciate hearing from you. Val in Canada.


Saturday 11th May 2013, 08:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • I believe you were right on track when you mentioned Clonfeacle Parish and specifically the townland of Curran. I think Curran was home-base for the Burtons of the area and the name Beaver was found in the neighbouring townlands.

    The Griffiths maps for Curran shows a place called "Cross Roads" which adjoins the schoolhouse of the William Burton you mentioned.

    There was a Charles Burton who was married to an Elizabeth Beavers in 1867 and they lived in the townland of Shanmoy.

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 03:40PM
  • Thanks Elzabel for your response. I am still struggling with using this site efficiently. I thought I had already answered, but it seems I haven't.

    I have not seen the Griffiths maps you mention. Is there a link where I can view them online?

    I know about Charles, but haven't been able to make the connection.

    Thanks again, Val.

    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 01:55PM
  • You can view the Griffiths maps here:

    The site is tricky to navigate but it's better than this one:)

    You can see the numbers on the lots and look up the names for them.

    There may have been many places called "Cross Roads" in Tyrone but this one was surrounded by Burtons. There were Beavers in close proximity and it would seem to fit with your references to Moy and Benburb as well.

    Lot 1 was William Burton and included the schoolhouse so that could be the teacher brother. William Burton of lot 1 Curran died 22 Dec 1878 at age 78 according to the will calendars and civil registration index. Using those sources, I could piece together that he had a sister named Jane (c. 1787 - 11 Jul 1868) married to John Wilson of Terryscollop.

    Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 09:49PM
  • Another thing I found that lends a little more support to my Curran theory is the appearance of Kidd as a middle name in the Curran Burtons.

    Jane Kidd Burton was born in 1881 in Curran. Her father was Robert Charles Burton and her grandfather was Thomas Burton.

    Another Jane Kidd Burton was born in Tyrone about 1840 and married in Clonfeacle to Joseph Wilson of Drumrusk. Her father was Thomas Burton. You'd have to get the full marriage details to confirm she was from Curran but I'd be fairly confident she was the aunt of the 1881 Jane Kidd Burton.

    By-the-way, I did get a private message from you via my email but I can't figure out how to reply. When I log in to this site, I see "Messages (1)" but when I click on that it says I don't have any messages.

    Tuesday 25th Jun 2013, 04:23AM
  • Since last posting on this thread, I've learned of Burton and Beavers connections into my own family tree so I've done some more research on these families in Tyrone.

    There are now some digital newspaper refereces to Burton's Crossroads as being "near Benburb" and I'm now very confident that this refers to Curran townland in Clonfeacle and that is where your family was from.

    Wednesday 14th Jan 2015, 04:36AM
  • The Tithe Applotments, which are earlier than Griffiths, 1833 for Clonfeacle, show Beavers at Shanmoy and Drain

    There is a Samuel Beavers listed on the 1796 Flax Growers list at Loughall in the county of Armagh.

    My great grandfather John Andrew Walker was the grandson of Isabella, the daughter of John Burton and Jane Beavers.


    Friday 15th Dec 2017, 02:21PM
  • BEAVERS Charles Shanmoy

    BEAVERS Robert Drain

    BEAVERS Robert, Jun. Shanmoy

    BEAVERS Robert, Sen. Shanmoy

    BEAVERS Thomas Drain

    BEAVERS Thomas Shanmoy

    Monday 18th Dec 2017, 11:07PM
  • Interestingly my great-grandmother was Isabella Marling, the Marlings are the same as Marlins and were in Curran, near Magherafelt in the county of Derry. They were an Anglican family originally but two of the six Marlin families in Curran including mine had converted to Presbyterianism by about 1760


    Monday 18th Dec 2017, 11:17PM

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