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I'm searching for information on my ancestors. William Stewart was born about 1815 in Eglish Parish, Armagh. He married Mary Mills in 1831 in Eglish Parish. They had at least one child, George Stewart born about 1836 in Eglish Parish. He left Ireland around 1864 for Australia. Would love to know more info about the family he left behind. His children have strange middle names such as Carson, Nimo, Bain, Poole & Arthurs. These seem to be last names to me.

I've recently had a lead on a place name, Lisadian. Don't know if this will help. As I've said would appreciate any info and would like to take the family history back beyond 1816.



Monday 10th Jun 2013, 08:25AM

Message Board Replies

  • Allison:

    I checked the 1864 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing and there was a William Stewart in Lisadian townland so I believe that is the correct location for your family. If they belonged to the Church of Ireland, the Mormon Church microfilmed the church records for the early part of the 19th century. You can go to and order the film online and have it delivered to a Mormon Family History Center near you. Hopefully, there is an FHC near you.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 03:20PM
  • Hi,

    Thanks for that lead.


    Wednesday 12th Jun 2013, 08:35AM

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