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Looking for information on James Francis Gorman born  in Limerick Ireland on Sep. 25 1858. His parents were Patrick Gorman and Bridget Morris. Looking for information mainly  about his parents or siblings I know that he immigrated and settled in Massachusetts.Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Tuesday 23rd Jul 2013, 10:11PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sheana,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find information without a more specific place of origin. Most Irish record sources- church records, land records, census records- are based on specific locations. Until you know a specific location within Ireland, preferably a parish or placename, it may be difficult to do anything more with these records.

    Do you have any documentation pertaining to the family that mentions any place names in Limerick at all? This can include wills, marriage/death records,census records, letters, diary entries etc.

    There are some places where you can search online, however it may be difficult to discern whether the results are relevant to your family or not without more information: has a huge database of genealogical records including some church records for Ireland. have a large collection of Irish Church records, however you have to pay to view records on this site. I already did a quick search, and no results came back for 1858 however there were results for 1857 and 1859.






    First Name





    25 credits

    Church Baptism




    Co. Limerick


    25 credits

    Church Baptism




    Co. Limerick


    25 credits

    Church Baptism




    Co. Limerick


    25 credits

    Church Baptism




    Co. Limerick




    Have you tried looking into the family?s emigration? Sometimes more infomation can be found at the port of arrival rather than that of departure. You may be lucky and find a place name here. For information on US immigration records check


    I did a search for Patrick Gorman in Griffith?s Valuation. This is a property valuation survey that was carried out in Ireland 1848-64. It doesn?t give any genealogical information but it can sometimes be used to tie a person to a specific place. Unfortunately, there was a Patrick Gorman recorded in 10 different parishes in Limerick, but at least it helps narrow it down a bit:

    Some other websites that you may find useful are:

    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    Irish Times:

    Limerick City Archives:

    Limerick Library:

    Genealogy links:

    From Ireland:

    Remember to post any new information that you find here. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 25th Jul 2013, 11:03AM
  • Hi Sheana,

    Am trying a similar search myself. Trying to trace a Michael Gorman (born in Ireland approximately1837), parish, county and provinence unfortunately unknown. He married a woman called Bridget and they had their first born son John F Gorman born 18 December 1863 in New York and he married on September 17 1889 in Troy, New York.


    I have excellent data on the US records - marriage and birth certs etc. Tracing Michael Gorman is the goal though and that's proving so tricky without a parish, country etc. Chances are he emigrated from his Irish parish between the years 1855-1860 and would have been between 15 and 20.


    Will attach one or two of the pages. If any of you can help me or if I can help you by sending/attaching the rest of the documents, let's try.



    Saturday 3rd Aug 2013, 11:26AM

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