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I am looking for any information on the O'Hanlons from Antrim. When I was younger I was told that a member of the O'Hanlons was one of the last people to be hung in the 1800's.


if you have any information it would be great to hear from you.


Many Thanks


Tuesday 6th Aug 2013, 09:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • The name O?Hanlon is pretty common in Ireland. In the 1901 census there were 1168 people of that name, of whom 114 lived in Co Antrim. So plenty to chose from.

    I looked at the list of people executed at Belfast Prison and there?s no O?Hanlon there. However there were a few executions at other gaols. You could contact the gaol (now a museum) and ask them if they know of any O?Hanlon execution.

    Failing that try Kilmainham gaol in Dublin. They executed far more people, and they may have  the details you are looking for.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 6th Aug 2013, 02:42PM

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