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HHello my great grandfather was Martin Gready/Grady.  At the time of his marriage in 1853 in grafton NSW Australia, he said he was from Roscrae.  I am not sure if he was born there and lived somewhere else.... There was a Martin Grady who came to Australia on the Emigrant in 1850 whose parents are listed as Payrick and Ellen.  Are there any records for this family and is there anything regarding him leaving for Australia? My cousin and I are researching our family and have much information to share once we find his origins!



Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 12:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Julie:

    The 1850 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Roscrea civil parish lists a Patrick Grady in Clybanane townland (there is also a Martin Grady in the same townland). Possibly the Patrick is the father of Martin. The Martin may be an uncle. Also, the Mormon Church has microfilmed records for the RC parish in Roscrea for 1810-1832. You can order the film online and view the film at a local Family History Center. Possibly you can find Grady information on this film.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 02:39PM
  • There is an old headstone in Roscrea graveyard (RC)

    erected by a Kate Sheedy

    and has "her brother" Thomas Grady; 1885 (56)

    If you find a connection with Sheedy's, Thomas might be a family member.


    Jack Mc Donald

    Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 04:27PM
  • Hi Roger

    that sounds like a very good lead. So am I correct that Clybanane is a suburb of Roscrae? I will follow up the Mormons records.  There may be a copy at the australian society of genealogists of which I am a member. How was the griffiths valuation compiled? I.e. did you need to be a landowner or could you be a tenant and still be listed.  Does it give an actual address and /or number of people in the household? Is there a roscrae family history society or such that I can make contact with?  Or I am thinking that ay be you!

    kind regards




    Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 08:31AM
  • Thank you Jack.. As I get further in the Irish ancestors, I will watch out for the Sheedys


    Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 08:34AM
  • Julie:

    Yes, Clybanane would be considered a suburb of Roscrea but probably more rural. If you have Google Maps just enter Clybanane and it pops up. Looks like it is about three miles slightly to the northwest of Roscrea. The Griffiths Valuation was compiled from 1848-1864 county by county.The surveyors actually went out to every townland in Ireland. There is a lot of material on the Internet which provides background. Landowners and tenants were included in the survey. In rural areas no address other than the townland and parish. Only shows the head of household, number of acres. buildings and taxes due.

    Not sure if there is a Roscrea History Society or something similar. I would check around. (I live in the USA).


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 02:01PM
  • Julie:

    Yes, Clybanane would be considered a suburb of Roscrea but probably more rural. If you have Google Maps just enter Clybanane and it pops up. Looks like it is about three miles slightly to the northwest of Roscrea. The Griffiths Valuation was compiled from 1848-1864 county by county.The surveyors actually went out to every townland in Ireland. There is a lot of material on the Internet which provides background. Landowners and tenants were included in the survey. In rural areas no address other than the townland and parish. Only shows the head of household, number of acres. buildings and taxes due.

    Not sure if there is a Roscrea History Society or something similar. I would check around. (I live in the USA).


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 02:01PM

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