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I will be visiting County Leitrim with a family party of 5 adults on Saturday, September 28.  We would like to engage the services of a local guide to help us find and see the land where our ancestors lived.  In particular we would like to visit the Sweetwood Lower and Killeen townland areas.  Our ideal guide would be knowledgable about general local history, especially in the mid-1800's.  I am attaching a chart which summarizes the information we have about our ancestors in Leitrim.

If you can recommend someone who might be interested in providing this service, I would be most appreciative.  We do not require a professional guide and we will have our own transportation.

Thank you,  Ruth Montgomery

Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 04:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ruth,

    I will also be in Leitrim starting on 09/25 for a month. My gr grandparents were married in the Parish Church, Kilanummery in 1882, the names being Dunne and Middleton. Was unable to pull up your family tree, so I don't know what names you are interested in beside Keyy, but I would be interested in the general history as well.  I will also have my own car and would be willing to share costs with you if you can find someone.

    I could not find the townlands you mentioned on any map, but I will be staying in Manorhamilton and my grandfather was from Dromahair.

    Hopefully you (or us) can find someone.  If not, best of luck in your research.


    AnneMarie Dunne George



    Sunday 8th Sep 2013, 06:56PM
  • Hi Ruth and AnneMarie,

    I have forwarded your message to one of our volunteers in the Leitrim area who hopefully may know of someone who would be suitable for your needs.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 9th Sep 2013, 03:39PM
  • Thank you very much.  Ruth

    Tuesday 10th Sep 2013, 01:06AM
  • Kelly and MacManemon are the two surnames

    Sweetwood Lower and Killeen are both townlands not too far south of Dromahair.  The first is in Killarga Civil Parish and the latter in Killanummery Parish.  The maps at show the townlands in the civil parishes.  Translating that into a current road map is another challenge.  Googlemaps does give me a location, however, for Sweetwood Lower and Killeen.

    We'll see what we come up with for local assistance.


    Tuesday 10th Sep 2013, 01:55AM
  • Ruth,

    Your request was passed on to me and unfortunately I have not had any success to date tracking down a local guide ..I spoke to the parish priest of that area Fr McTiernan this morning and he said there wasnt anybody locally he could think of that would be available to guide you around the area - maybe the Genealogy Centre in Ballinamore would be a useful place to contact - they have a database of births, deaths, marriages, maps, etc - - or you could try Ballinamore library local studies section….

    Kind regards

    Teresa Lennon, Fenagh Visitor Centre 071 9645590

    Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 09:25AM
  • Teresa,

    Thank you so much for your efforts.  I had thought of going to the parish priest, so you saved me the trouble.  I started with the Genealogy Center but they referred me to a professional guide who is only familiar with southern Leitrim.

    The local studies link looks like it could be helpful for local history.

    Again, I appreciate your efforts.  If anything new comes up between now and the 28th, please do keep us in mind.

    Thank you.


    Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 11:28AM
  • no trouble at all ..I will keep asking around as sometimes you strike up a conversation with somebody who knows somebody and you get a lead that way ....its the same in our own area here in Fenagh, we have a few 'go to' locals who are a treasure chest of information and are always helping us out when we get requests like yours..I am not familiar with the area you are looking to visit but will keep asking around! 

    Kind regards, Teresa

    Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 12:09PM
  • Just another suggestion Ruth would be to place an ad in the Leitrim Observer requesting help/info -- its short notice but the next edition is out next Wednesday Sept 18th - its the county newspaper - you could put in an ad or ask for your request to be published in the local parish notes - Their contact tel no is 071 96 20025


    Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 12:19PM
  • sorry the info is coming piecemeal to you but here goes ..spoke to a lady called Janice who compiles the Killargue local notes and she is more than willing to help you out ..her email address is - i have forwarded your original request to her so you could drop her a note and get in touch ...she is familar with lower sweetwoods and killeen townlands so is right in the middle of that area ..also of interest to you may be… - its  a facebook page for a reunion that took place recently in Killargue - best of luck, Teresa

    Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 01:34PM
  • I've sent Janice an email, we'll see where this goes.  The ad in the Observer is a good idea, but I'll hold off to see if Janice is interested.

    Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 03:13AM

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