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I am trying to trace my grandparents. The flimsy details I( haved are

Thaddeus Gilmartin born in Tiratick (killery) in mid 1800s died in Ballintogher in 1899

Bridget Mulligan died in Ballintogher in 1936

I should be very grateful for any information

Seamus Gilmartin

Monday 16th Sep 2013, 09:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Seamus,

    I searched for the baptismal record for Thaddeus (Thady) and found three possible entries for him.

    they are in Co. Sligo in 1844, 1851 and 1858

    You would need to pay to view these records but it is not expensive , about €5 per record but at lease you'd have the parents names.  This site can be searched and cross referenced before you have to pay anything to view records.  There is not membership fees.

    Hope this helps you on your way,

    Anne Dennehy

    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 12:41PM
  • Dear Anne

    Many thanks for your very helpful reply. I will try the site as you suggest.

    Seamus Gilmartin

    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 12:54PM

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