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Hello, Col Cafferky had commented on the message I placed on the Ireland message board.  He stated that he found John McCloud's baptism was recorded in Shankill St. Anne's Belfast (Church of Ireland) and suggested I join this message board to get further help.

My family has been searching for information of John McCloud (MacCloud).  According to what we have been told is that he was born about 16 Feb 1799 in Ireland.  He was to have left Ireland in 1816 boarding a ship named Barkey in Londonberry, Ireland with his siblings Anne, David, James, Mary and Neile.  Arrival to the United States in New York is 14 August 1816.  John then resided in West Virginia where he died 31 May 1877.

His mother's name could possibly be Anna but it was said she did not travel with them?  Family folk lore that has been passed down was that they were leaving Ireland after their father was hung for stealing horses?  Some have speculated that his father's name was Samuel MacCloud.  The message from Col Cafferky also stated he found no matches when searching for Anna or Samuel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 26th Sep 2013, 03:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone with information makes a connection with you and helps you to further your research.

    In the meantime it may be an idea to look at the parish records to see if you can find any more information. Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    Have you heard of Griffith?s Valuation? This is a property valuation survey carried out in Ireland 1848-64. I did a quick search for McCloud?s in Shankill:

    As you can see, there was a Samuel recorded-this could be John?s father if he lived to be quite old, or could also possibly be another sibling? unfortunately, as the land record does not give any genealogical information there is no way to know either way.

    Sorry not to be of more help, it may be an idea to contact the Ulster Historical Foundation to see if they can offer any further assistance. However a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support




    Thursday 10th Oct 2013, 10:07AM
  • Thank you for getting in touch with me.  Your message has been the first I have received in some time.  I do appreciate your help and will definitely look at the websites you suggested.  I am a novice when it comes to genealogy research.  And since I'm in America I have to do my research for this part of my ancestry on-line.  My grandfather ,who is in his eighties now, is a direct descendent of John McCloud.  We are trying to find out more information about John for him.  John had settled in West Virginia after reaching America and the family folklore stated in my posting has been passed down for generations.  We have been trying to find out what truth it may hold.  I had been looking at the U.S. National Archieves website and saw where a representative from Ireland Reaching Out had done a seminar there recently.  So I searched for more information about the organization and thought I would give it a shot.  I have found a list of passangers from the following website that has the names of John and his siblings traveling to America.  But I have found no further information.  So your help, however small you may feel it is, really means a lot to us.  Thank you again.  I hope that you will have a wonderful day!!


    Thursday 10th Oct 2013, 02:49PM
  • Thank you for getting in touch with me.  Your message has been the first I have received in some time.  I do appreciate your help and will definitely look at the websites you suggested.  I am a novice when it comes to genealogy research.  And since I'm in America I have to do my research for this part of my ancestry on-line.  My grandfather ,who is in his eighties now, is a direct descendent of John McCloud.  We are trying to find out more information about John for him.  John had settled in West Virginia after reaching America and the family folklore stated in my posting has been passed down for generations.  We have been trying to find out what truth it may hold.  I had been looking at the U.S. National Archieves website and saw where a representative from Ireland Reaching Out had done a seminar there recently.  So I searched for more information about the organization and thought I would give it a shot.  I have found a list of passangers from the following website that has the names of John and his siblings traveling to America.  But I have found no further information.  So your help, however small you may feel it is, really means a lot to us.  Thank you again.  I hope that you will have a wonderful day!!


    Thursday 10th Oct 2013, 02:49PM

Post Reply