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Hello   I am trying to find any  information about  my  4x great grand father Patrick Gleeson  and Margaret (Ann)  Armstrong.  They married on the 23 Feb 1824 in the Parish of Borrisokane in a Roman Catholic church.  No addresses are recorded or the parents  names or witnesses. I have  so many questions about this couple!!!  Was  Margaret Armstrong of Scottish descent? Was she born locally? Did she have family locally  or was her family back in Scotland.   As for Patrick Gleeson, I would  really  like to find some way of working out who  is father was or his address so I can find the correct Baptism record for him. Currently there are at least 6 Baptism  records that fit the marriage date for this area.   I would be grateful for any  sort of information about  the Gleeson or Armstrong familes or the ties this area.

I have also obtainted the Baptism record for Judith (otherwise known as Julia)  Gleeson. She is one  of the daughters of Patrick and Margaret Armstrong.  Her Baptism took place in a Roman Catholic church in Borrisokane.   Their address is given as Curragh ( I am  not sure whether this refers to another town  or  area) .   The sponsers are  James and Cath  Dunn.

Patrick, Margaret, Julia and their other children ( thought to be Ann, Thomas both born around 1827, Timothy b abt 1831, Honora Gleeson b abt 1836, Timothy b abt  1831, Honora b abt 1836, Mary b abt 1840 and Bridget  born abt 1848. They  left Ireland in 1854 but not all going on the same ship.  Their children settled inititally  in country areas in  Victoria Australia. The men  in this Gleeson family seem to have been drawn to mining towns.   In spite of much  looking for  Patrick and Margaret's death records in  Australia  so far they have not been found.  Some familylore  has it that Patrick and Margaret returned to Ireland. Could there be any  in truth is this? All  I have found is the that their  children settled quite closely to each other ( in australian terms). You would think that Patrick and Margaret  would have little reason to settle away  from their children and grandchildren  if they remained in Victoria.  Is there anyway of checking whether they returned to Ireland? 



Monday 7th Oct 2013, 09:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Anne30

    Armstrong would not be a common name around Borrisokane certainly post 1850 and mass emigration with family surnames vanishing from the records

    Gleeson would have been and still is quite a common surname around the area.

    Good place to start is the local Church of Ireland graveyard which is now online am sending you the link.

    If that fails will see about getting Baptismal records .

    Curragh is name of area in Co Kildare possibly 70 kms away although another townland approx ten kms away called Curraghmore.

    Regards Bill Ryan

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 7th Oct 2013, 05:02PM
  • Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 7th Oct 2013, 06:45PM
  • Thank  Bill  for your reply -  it is  was very informative .    I  am sure  that I have seen  my  Patrick Gleeson and the name Curraghmore linked.....  but for the life of me  I can not remember  why .

    Tuesday 8th Oct 2013, 07:52AM
  • Thank you Bill for the Griffiths Value record information  -  I am wondering if  John  and Margaret are related in some way....

    Tuesday 8th Oct 2013, 08:22AM
  • Hi  I have looked through the grave yard links and can not find  anyone buried by the  name Armstrong or Gleeson.   I wonder if they would have been buried in unmarked community graves?



    Monday 28th Oct 2013, 03:43AM
  • Hello,

    By now you may have already received some answers to your questions, but I was recently looking at Gleeson baptismal records available online:  

    I may have missed a few, but I did find the following which I believe relate to your family: Just enter Borrisokane as the parish, Killaloe Diocese.  If you look at the records online, you can view the sponsors.  The page numbers = screen#.  I believe Curragh is an area just to the east of Borrisokane. 

    p. 44   2 Aug 1829    Judith             Pat Gleeson    Mrgt Armstrong        Curragh

    p. 57   8 Jan 1832     Patrick            Pat Gleeson    Peggy Armstrong      Curragh

    leah McCarthy kopka

    Saturday 23rd Jan 2016, 06:35PM
  • Hi Anne30,

    Patrick is my husbands 4xGreat grandfather too and we have been trying to find more information on him and Margaret Ann Armstrong. We've found that Patrick died and Margaret remarried (Garvin became her new surname) and she died and was buried in Amherst cemetery, Victoria, Australia.

    Did you find out whether Patrick had a middle name or any of his baptism records?


    Saturday 24th Jul 2021, 02:08AM

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