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I am searching for my gggfather William BREEN who from census records was born in tipperaray c.1798

He was married in London in 1824 to Catherine LOUGHNANE who I guesss he may have known in Ireland.. I am a direct descendant and all the family stayed in London.I am looking more for possible siblings as I know from family sources that my grandfather used to visit Ireland to see relations andthey lived in or near AVOCA Co.Wicklow as my grandfathers house was callede AVOCA after the family ancestry.I think siblings masy have moved to Wicklow possibly mid 1800s.Hope somebody can help,

I live in Hereford UK


Thursday 10th Oct 2013, 04:18PM

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  • Duplicate

    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 8th Mar 2024, 12:33AM

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