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looking for info on john callaghan & catherine ryan who married 17 /  feb /1859 at cappamore rc church, catherine,s name was recorded as johanna on the parish record & then either kate or catherine & on one occasion as mary on the birth records of their children.  the children,s church records were margaret 10/5/1861 at drumcluther, timothy 1/8/1865 at dromalty,john 21/2/1868 at gurt? caherconlish (civil record only), catherine(kitty) 14/12/1869 at pallesbeg, ellen 7/4/1873 at tinnatarriff, anne 5/6/1875 at tinnatarriff , alice 8/1/1877 at tinnatarriff. a   john callaghan & patrick ryan were witnesses at the marriage & probably were the parents. from an entry in the cancelled rate books john callaghan was residing with matthew ryan (roe)  & james ryan (roe) in tinnatarriff when ellen,anne & alice were born.  their mother catherine was born about 1835/8 before parish records for cappamore or caherconlish so perhaps she was baptised in doon ???  any info on the ryan nickname (roe) would be appreciated  regards trevor


Thursday 14th Nov 2013, 02:56AM

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  • Hi - Thank you for your message. Some sites & services for County Limerick genealogy/family history which may be of use to you include:

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    Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 02:07PM
  • Hi Trevor,

    This is a relative of mine that you are looking for.Ellen is my G.G G grandmother and I have

    information on the family. Please get in touch, perhaps we can help each other out.



    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 03:46PM
  • Hi Trevor,

    This is a relative of mine that you are looking for.Ellen is my G.G G grandmother and I have

    information on the family. Please get in touch, perhaps we can help each other out.



    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 03:46PM

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