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My ancestor - James Butler- was born in 1718 in the Parish of Coolkeny, Wicklow and his children came to America.  According to the info I have, they were born in the Butler Estate.  Would like any info of location, etc.  James died on 1802 in Old Leighlin Parish, Carlow.

Wednesday 20th Nov 2013, 02:49AM

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    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 02:49PM
  • James Butler is also my ancestor. Apparently, he was brother to Thomas Butler who spawned most of the "Fighting Butlers' of the Revolutionary War. I'm a descendant of James' son John who was also a Fighting Butler with his cousins.

    I have had no luck locating anything on "The Butler Estate" or "Coolkeny" but James' brother Thomas, it would seem, was born in [County] Wicklow. And I found this link which notes that Coolkeny is likely a corruption of Coolkenna:… (note you have to sign up to read the full listing).

    Also noted is this: "The DNA of direct descendents of Thomas Butler b. 1720 and James Butler b. 1718 is NOT a match, therefore disproving that they had the same fathers. Mary Butler Arnold" which makes me wonder if either James or Thomas was illegitimate.


    Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017, 03:30AM

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