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My 2 x great grandparents immigrated to Chicago 1888.  Johanna was the daughter of Timothy Sullivan and Katherine O'Reilly Sullivan.  Johanna was born May 1 1865, died 1933 in Chicago.  They had 5 daughters. Patrick dates and parents unknown.  Any and all info would be so appreciated!  thank you

Saturday 23rd Nov 2013, 05:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathleen:

    Do you have any other information on your Sullivan family. The name Sullvan is very common in Kerry and you need a location to help find ancestors. For example, there are over 30 Katherine/Catherine/Kate Sullivans born in Kerry in 1865. I also looked at the 1901 census but there are too many Timothy Sullivans (assuming he was still alive) to find a correct record.

    Roger mcDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 23rd Nov 2013, 07:10PM
  • Hi Roger - Yes, I know!  Working on more info but at the moment this is the best I can do, just discovered this family yesterday--very exciting. .  It is so common for immigration records to have nothing but County.  I am going to try naturilization records which should at least have Parish.  I really appreciate you checking.  I will post more info when I have it

    Saturday 23rd Nov 2013, 08:49PM
  • Kathleen:

    Is Johanna's husband Patrick Carmody? Were they married in Ireland? Do you have access to Ancestry?


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 23rd Nov 2013, 09:03PM
  • yes, I believe so, and yes I am a member of Ancestry. finding some helpful stuff on ancestry on the kids, but not on Ireland records:  Patrick info, Parish info, or parents going back another generation.  thanks Roger. 

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 03:49AM
  • Kathleen:

    I looked for a civil marriage beteen Patrick Carmody and Johannah Sullivan in the years prior to 1888 but did not find a likely record.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 02:20PM
  • thanks for searching.  let me see what else I can find out that will help on your end --naturalization record here may have a parish.  realy appreciate your help!

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 04:29PM
  • Hi Roger - new info!  Patrick and Johanna actually married much later in life - 1911 in Chicago.  Here children were born with the surname of Sullivan, and since we know Johanna is the daughter of Timothy and Katherine Sullivan --I am wondering if she also married a man named Sullivan?  Searchng here for more info --but let me know if you have any ideas?  So while Patrick Carmody was from Kerry--I am not related to him  thanks!

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 11:25PM
  • Kathleen:

    I agree that her first husband was probably a Sullivan.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 25th Nov 2013, 12:02AM
  • Hello Roger- me again!  I have done some more research.  Johanna Sullivan's parents were Timothy Sullivan and Catherine O'Reilly.  She was born in Kerry in 1853 (not 1865).  Apparently she married a man also named Sullivan - Thomas.  Dont know when she came to the states but I think all her children were born here (not positive) do not know where she married.  When Thomas died, she remarried in 1911 to Patrick Carmody.  I have that info.  So I need to focus on the Timothy/Catherine facts and if possible Thomas.  Looking here for Thomas's death record which will be telling.  Really appreciate any help you can give me!  Many Thanks

    Wednesday 15th Jan 2014, 03:40PM
  • Kathleen:

    I went to which has a good number of Co. Kerry baptismal and marriage records. Looked at 1853 baptisms for a Johanna Sullivan born to Timothy Sullivan and Catherine O'Reilly. There were close to 20 Johanna Sullivan baptisms but none for Timothy and Catherine as parents.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 15th Jan 2014, 04:02PM
  • Darn!  thanks so much for looking.  any other ideas? 

    Wednesday 15th Jan 2014, 04:27PM

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