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I'm trying to find out information about a family named Briody from the early 1800s.  My ancestor was John Briody who enlisted in the British Army in Dublin in 1823, aged about 20 years.  On his enlistment, he gave his place of birth as Faughelstown, Westmeath. 

He married Mary someone a few days before enlisting.  John was Roman Catholic and currently appears to have come out from under the proverbial cabbage leaf - I've no idea who his parents were.  He was illiterate and as such the spelling of the surname may be different.

After serving in India for 22 years, he was pensioned out of the Army and went to New Zealand as a Fencible along with his wife and one daughter.

Monday 9th Dec 2013, 08:59AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Allie

    There are 2 records of baptisms of John Briody 1800 + - 5 years in Westmeath on

    1799 & 1802

    Faughelstown was not in the list of parishes; 1 was from Coole R C and the other from Clonmellon R C

    There is a marriage record of John Briody marrying a Mary in Meath in 1824 (Mary could have been from there) but that is too late for the enlistment unles he married while on leave.

    You need to purchase credit to view the full record on roots but it SHOULD give you a parent's name.

    There are 4 Briodys in the Tithe Applotments in Westmeath 1827 -31 which are freely available online.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 09:50AM
  • Thank you so much, Col.  I shall check out those records on rootsireland.

    The marriage almost certainly won't be my John Briody as I believe he was in India by then. I have an actual date for the wedding (23 May 1823, Dublin), but it's third-hand information so there is a possibility for it to be incorrect. However, thank you for looking. :)

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 10:01AM
  • I wonder if this could be the John and Mary I am looking for....could you help me with any information on them that you have?


    I am looking for any information on John Briody and Mary Bry/Brady/Broidy and daughter Mary Briody.

    It may be that they were married in 3/1824 Old Castle Meath and had a daughter Mary Briody 6/10/1829 who was baptised 6/10/1829 in Old Castle Meath.

    This may be my 3rd Great grand mother Mary Briody born 1829 Ireland and Died 1893 Bristal PA. She married Thomas L Hudson and had 5 children. The only thing listed is she was born in Ireland 1829 but not who her parents were so this is just a lead I am looking into.

    I am not sure when/how/what ship Mary (1829) was on or came to America. I am not sure where she met Thomas Hudson but they are listed in US 1860 Census in Brooklyn NY. They may have come over 1845 on the Tarolinta from Liverpool. 

    Saturday 25th Mar 2017, 07:11PM
  • Hi, Kristina

    Unfortunately your John and Mary Briody don't match mine.  My John enlisted in the British Army on the 26th of May 1823 in Dublin, then went to England before sailing for India with his regiment on the 5th of January 1824.  Supposedly he and his wife married in Dublin just before he enlisted, but I cannot find any proof of that.  They definitely had two children in India: Patrick, born on the 15th of May 1829 and Margaret born on 12th of January 1834.  They possibly also had a daughter Mary Ann, born in 1824 or so but I can't find a birth for her in India - perhaps she was born in either Ireland or England - but I do have a marriage and a death for her (both in India) so it cannot be your 3x great grandmother, sorry.  Mary Ann died in 1843 at the age of 19, probably in childbirth.

    John Briody remained in India until sometime in 1844 when he was sent to England and medically discharged from the army in the November of that year.  Then he went back to Ireland with Mary plus their daughter Margaret.   In late 1847, the three of them travelled to Galway and sailed aboard the "Clifton" to New Zealand where they remained for the rest of their lives.

    Good luck with your hunt!


    Monday 27th Mar 2017, 05:03AM
  • Have you or someone from that line tested their DNA? I've had mine tested but don't know how to get in touch with other Briodys to try to find a match.

    Monday 27th Mar 2017, 07:44PM
  • Yes, my mother has had her DNA done through, as have a number of other descendants in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.  Which company did you do yours with?

    Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 09:02AM
  • ANCESTRY and I've uploaded to My Heritage and My family tree! My email is if you wouldn't mind getting in touch with me to compare!

    Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 11:04PM
  • So I have been able to exclude the Briodys from the Westmeath line by comparing their DNA results. Are there Briodys from other line that could also share their DNA results? 

    Sunday 2nd Apr 2017, 07:57PM

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