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Looking for William Carroll born abt. 1796 in Dublin ancestors and any information. He married Hannah Arnold born 1797 at St. Georges on 5 Sept 1818. She was the daughter of James Arnold and Mary Shaw

Area - DUBLIN (COI) , Parish/Church/Congregation - ST. GEORGE Marriage of WILLIAM CARROLL of N/R and HANNAH ARNOLD of N/R on 5 September 1818

NameWILLIAM CARROLL HANNAH ARNOLD AddressN/R N/R OccupationN/R N/R FatherN/R N/R MotherN/R N/R

Further details in the recordHusband Address - ParishST MARY'SWife Address - ParishST. GEORGEWitness 1JAMES ARNOLD (WITNESS FOR HUSBAND)Witness 3JAMES ARNOLD (WITNESS FOR WIFE)

About the recordBook NumberPageEntry NumberRecord_IdentifierImage FilenameN/R N/R 63 DU-CI-MA-19543 d-298-1-2-049.

Residence in 1839: 11 Eccles Street, Dublin, Ireland  (The Post Office Annual Directory for 1839)

His son: Rev Edward Arnold Carroll born 6 October 1828 in Dublin, Ireland and who died: 8 Jun 1896 in Taney, Dublin, Ireland was my 2x Great Grandfather. He married Emily Elizabeth Carmichael.

Any help would be much appreciated, I would also love to hear from any relatives I may have out there who I dont know about.

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Burger nee Irwin

EJ Burger

Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 12:48PM

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