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MY GGGF immigrated to Baltimore around 1850 but I've yet to find from where. His full name was William Virginius Mulcahy. I do not know of his parents or if there were siblings but it's likely there were considering we are talking Irish Catholics.

Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 04:29PM

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  • I found the city on my GGrandfather's natualization application.  He applied before 1906 (I believe that was when the docs were standarized) but the application and then the actual natualization papers gave me a lot of information.  I physically went to the National Archives in Waltham, MA. I found out the application was made at the local Police station!  The folks there were very helpful.  I would imagine for Baltimore, you would have to use the Washington DC National Archives.  You may want to check with the local Historical Society (if there is one) and see if they have a genealogist.  Often they can tell you how the local records were stored and kept.  Do you belong to a genealogy group?  I have been able to get a lot of support and input from a few folks who have done a lot of Irish research.  Also, don't overlook the Latter Dat Saints, Mormon, local Family History Centers. There are tons of films available and they will help you find and oder what you need.  Often they have volunteers who are knowlegable about specific our case Irish/Ireland.  for the full site or for natuaization info.

    I have never been to Washington so it might be helpful to call and find out what limits they have accessing records and so forth.  In Waltham, the folks were very helpful and were gracious about expaining the processes and helping me find more than I had asked for.  Imagine that!

    Happy Sluething

    ~Carol~ Bridgeport CT USA



    Saturday 4th Jan 2014, 08:04PM
  • My gg grandfather was Michael Mulcahy. He immigrated from Ireland to Massachusetts. He married Johanna Leahy approx. 1855 in MA. He worked for the Gas Company in Lawrence, MA. He and Johanna had 5 children: John (B. 1857) Mary Ann (B. 1859) Johanna (B. 1861) Bridget (B. 1864-1871) Michael (B. 1867).
    Unfortunately, Michael the father died in 1868 from Comsumption.

    Also living in the same area and working for the same a company was a Tim Mulcahy.


    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 02:46PM

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