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Hello, I am searching for any living relatives of my great grandfather, he went by Michael Healy, a Labourer, for all the time that he lived in England, but was named as James Healy on my Great grandmothers death certificate.

He married Honora Scanlan in Southwark RC Cathedral in 1866, he gave his name as Michael Haly,his father is named as Patrick Haly deceased. Both gave their age as 21, whichn would mean that they were both born About 1845 in Ireland.I do not know what year they arrived in England, if they met in England or travelled over together.

I believe that my great grandmothers full name was Honora Hannah Scanlan, her father was Michael Scanlan, and that she was born in Castleisland, Kerry.

They had a daughter, Julia & four sons, Michael John  (my grandfather), Patrick John, Stephen John & James William Henry.

I was led to believe that my great grandfather was from Cork, (Youghal), but I cannot verify this, it could be that he or his family moved to Cork during the famine and prior to emmigrating to England.

Several years ago I had my YDNA tested, I am "I-M26, I2a1 Haplogroup", this has enabled me to find several Healy cousins in America, but my connection to them is between 1750-1800 for a common male ancestor. All of my American Healy cousins ancestors came from Kerry, (Valentia Island, Killarney, Kenmare, Muckross).

Eighteen months ago I received an email from an American gentleman explaining that he sponsored a male to have his YDNA tested, he was living on what was his family ancestal farm,it proved that this person did not match him or the family name that he was researching, but that he matched with me exactly, a common male ancestor of about 4 generations ago.I checked this out with the YDNA company involved (Family Tree), and the family name Society that organised it, it was all true.

Through the local parish priest I obtained the address's of all Healy's still living in the area, I wrote to all of them, only one replied, he believes that we are related. Most amazingly after speaking to him his farm is only one & a half miles from the gentleman's farm that I matched my YDNA with. I cannot name the person I matched with as he does not know that he is a Healy.

So, I am looking for any further Healy's in the Shronederragh/ Headford/Killeen/Killarney areas.

Best Regards

Timothy Michael Healy (UK).


Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 12:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Timothy

    In terms of the most recent records, the 1901 and 1911 Census are the most relevant for your search. You can, if you haven?t already, access this for free at the link below:

    You could also have a look at the link below for information on the Cancelled Books at the Valuation Office, Dublin; they could also be useful to you:

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 18th Mar 2014, 11:20AM

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