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Hello experts ;-)


My grandmother went to Clash National School, Ballymackey, Tipperary in 1904- 1909


She lived next to the school.


Now I can't find any mention of Clash - let alone the National School.


Can anyone help me?



Russell Powell

Saturday 15th Feb 2014, 06:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Russell,

    Clash is a small townsland in NOrth Tipperary.  I assume that the local national school closed many years ago like many others like it.  Children are now bussed to the bigger urban schools.

    You haven't given your grandmother's name so I can't serch for her.


    On your search engine, type in the words  IIRISH CENSUS

    This will bring you to the site of the National Archives.

    Go to the 1911 census.

    Along the top bar , click the BROWSE option

    Click on TIPPERARY

    Click on BALLYMAKEY

    Click on CLASH

    This will then show you all the families thast were living in Clash in 1911.  If you have any trouble or have any questions then please just let me know.

    Kind Regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Saturday 15th Feb 2014, 05:35PM
  • Thanks Anne.

    Her name was Amelia Roe, living with her uncle William Boyd.

    She is in the 1901 census but they left for Australia in 1910.

    She told me the thatched cottage where she was born (where William lived) was right next to the school.

    I tried to look on google earth but it doesn't show Clash at all.

    There is a Clash National School in Athea, Co. Limerick. Presumably there was more than one Clash!





    Saturday 15th Feb 2014, 09:59PM
  • Russell

    The Ordnance Maps at show a school in Ballymackey - I suspect this is /was Clash school.

    Hope this link works,594136,680788,7,9

    If not go to site and search Bally mackey chose the historic map and add legend of school and you should see it. 



    Clare Tuohy

    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 11:55PM
  • Clare - thanks so much for this - I think you are spot-on. I can mesh the old map with google earth and look. That will have to do until I can visit in person ;-)





    Friday 21st Feb 2014, 07:05AM

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