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I am searching for the townland/parish of my great great grandfather (Michael Donovan) and great great grandmother (Johanna Godfrey). Michael emigrated to Newfoundland to take part in the migratory cod fishery around 1820. He married Johanna in 1825. She was previously married to Patrick Doody and had two children prior to her marriage to Michael. I have found evidence of Michael and Johanna's marriage in Newfoundland. Johanna (Hanna) may have come SW England (Dorset, Devonshire, Somerset etc.) Fishing merchants from this part of England organized fleets to prosocute the migratory fishery in Newfoundland. Many workers and supplies were aquired in SE Ireland (Waterford, Wexford, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Cork) before heading to Newfoundland. I believe Michael arrived in Newfoundland with a Thomas, Terrance & Nicholas Donovan. I assume they are either brothers or cousins. I did find a record of marriage for Thomas from Ross, Wexford. I have been looking in that area but haven't broken through the brick wall yet. I am in the process of researching the RC parish records at NLI. Any help would be appreciated.


Tom D

Tuesday 11th Mar 2014, 08:03PM

Message Board Replies

  • Good Morning

    Did you check out the Canadian Immigration lists for pointers about a placename: 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 1st Apr 2014, 09:47AM
  • Thanks Clare. I had already checked that site. My ancestor arrived in Newfoundland before records were kept and  Newfoundland was a British colony and eventually an independant country ( didn't become part of Canada until 1949) at the time Michael emigrated from Ireland. He would have come to Newfoundland to fish. Many from Ireland came to fish for the summer months but in the early 19th century that type of fishery changed to a more pernament one. We think he arrived with his wife (Hanna Godfrey). I have records of all their children beginning in 1826. He would have left from Waterford or Wexford where most ships, that proscuted the fishery, left from.



    Tom D

    Tuesday 1st Apr 2014, 04:50PM
  • read the attachment.



    Tuesday 1st Apr 2014, 07:34PM
  • Dear John

    I have attached the link to Limerick City RC records start dates for your info:…;

    Best wishes


    Wednesday 2nd Apr 2014, 08:10AM

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