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~~A James Edwards deserted the army and settled in Inver Co. Donegal, he had three children, the only son George Married Ann Cannon of Creevin Inver and they had eight children.  
Five survived childhood, Elizabeth died Single about April or May 1885, John went to New York in 1844 or 1845. George was a corporal in the army in the East Indies about 1851, James went to Derry.

Ann who is the subject of my research went to Australia in the year 1850 age 15, under the Early Grey Scheme as an orphan from Donegal Town Workhouse  she  Married Robert Mc Williams at St Peters Church Melbourne in 1854 and went on to have ten children. She lived out her life in Australia.
What I would like is some information on the Cannons and Edwards of Inver. Was Ann really an orphan or did circumstances beyond her parent’s control, meant she ended up in the workhouse?

Asdee West

Thursday 13th Mar 2014, 04:15AM

Message Board Replies

  • It looks as though Donegal Town workhouse records for the 1840s and 1850s have not survived. It may be tricky to find out much about Ann.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 13th Mar 2014, 07:19AM
  • There is a Facebook group called Belong to Inver, it may be worth contacting them.

    Thursday 13th Mar 2014, 08:59PM

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