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Wednesday 14th May 2014, 03:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear nanny45

    Can you let us know a family name and dates to help you out

    Best wishes

    Clare Doye

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 14th May 2014, 09:23AM
  • Hi Clare,

    here is the information I originally sent. I am looking for marriage records for John Quigley/Kegley & Mary

    Delahan. They were both from Stamullen/Gormanston area. They were married about 1845. Do you have date of birth for them? Their children are:

    Bernard - 1845

    Bridget - 1847

    Anthony James - 1849

    James Joseph - 1852

    Thomas- 1853

    Mary Ann - 1856

    Eleanor - 1857

    Patrick J - 1861

    John Joseph - 1863

    Members of this family all came to the US between 1869-1873. The spelling of their surname in Us is Quigley. Any info on this family is greatly appreciated. H


    Wednesday 14th May 2014, 01:54PM
  • Morning 

    As you can see from the link below, Stamullen is a Civil Parish in Co. Meath:

    Records for the corresponding Roman Catholic Parish of Stamullen begin in 1831 for baptisms and 1830 for marriages. There are some places where you can search online, however these websites do not have complete collections and many do not cover the period after 1900. If you go to (a subscription site) there is 1 marriage record for a John Kegley and a Mary Delahunt in the Parish of Stamullen on 7th January 1845. You will be able to search for and verify the baptism details of their children on that site too.

    Other important sources include the Tithe Applotment Books and Griffith?s Valuation. Even though these sources only record the head of the household, the information is very important and can be valuable:

    Tithe Applotment Books (1823-1837):

    Griffith?s Valuation (1847-1864):

    The National Archives of Ireland:  you can search the 1901/1911 Census on the National Archives page too, for instances of the family name at that time

    Remember to post any new information that you find here. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Friday 16th May 2014, 10:27AM
  • Hello nanny45.

    I joined this website just 5 days ago so have only just read this post from 3 years ago.

    You'll see from the attached file that John Kegley married Mary Delahunt on 7 Jan 1845, with witnesses Pat. Morgan and Mary McKenna. Their marriage is recorded in the Stamullen marriage ledger directly after the marriage of my gt-gt-grandfather James Caffrey to Ann Reilly, with witnesses Pat. Callaghan and Alice Mooney. I wonder if  these couples knew one another, as they were from the same parish and married on the same day. This Caffrey couple emigrated to the US, leaving behind their two young sons. I have learnt that there were Quigleys and Caffreys living as neighbours in New Jersey in 1854 and I'd dearly love to find out if those Caffreys are related to me.  

    Thank you Clare Doyle for your comprehensive information. 

    Debby Raymond

    Debby Raymond

    Thursday 26th Oct 2017, 10:57AM

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