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I am looking for any information any one has on the Droney's from O'Callaghan's Mills.  My gggrandfather was John Droney.  His daughter Bridget(b.1849?) married Francis O'Brien (B.1838) in 1872.  I know her father's name because it was on their marriage certificate.  John was a farmer and Francis' father, also named Francis, were tailors in the Mills.

If anyone has any info on the Droney's I would greatly appreciate it.



Thursday 29th May 2014, 01:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Maureen

    My name is Margaret Clifton. My great grandfather was James known as John born abt 1841 he came to Australia with his brother Edward in 1862. Ship details states they were from O'Callaghan's Mills, County Clare.  Also on the ship records states they were sponsored out to Australia by a Maria Droney. I don't know who that is and can't find anything about her. On James marriage cert it states that his parents were John and Margaret (nee Ryan) Droney. John's occupation was a labourer on marr.cert. 

    James married Winifred Canny or Cenny. They had five children and lost a couple during birth. They only had one daughter, Margaret who was my grandmother. James died at age of ?39, there is some disagreement with when he was born. On Marriage cert shows age as 24 in 1865 and death shows age as 47 in 1880.  Edward is a witness on the marriage certificate. Edward married a Alice Tourner in 1865 he was born in ? 1839 died in 1879 aged 40.

    I can't find anything with the Droney's in my research in O'Callaghan's Mills. One of the researchers on this site said he had done most of the indexing of the BDM's at O'Callaghan's Mills and Droney wasn't a name he had come across.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Regards Marg Clifton

    Marg Clifton

    Thursday 29th May 2014, 08:06AM
  • Hello Margaret,

    Thanks for responding, I know what you mean, I'm having a lot of trouble myself!  I'm going to Ireland this summer, Tulla records in particular, to see if I can track down more of the info. from the Griffiths Valuation I did find a Honoria listed in Clooncool,OCM, and a Margaret listed in Fox and Geese, OCM.

    A good website I use, that's free, is from the Mormons called That's where I found info on my great grandmother, Bridget Droney's marriage cert., which gane me her father's name. From there I have the following info, but I'm not sure if it relates to me or other Droneys;

    James Droney, dob.1798, died 1876 age 78, listed as Tulla, Vol. 9, page 365, GS film # 101588, Digital Folder # 0042000220, image 00082.

    John Droney, dob. 1827, died 1872 at age 45 listed as Tulla, vol. 14, page 303, GS film #101586, Digital folder 0042000218, image 00078,

    John Droney, dob. 1801, doed 1881 at age 80 listed as Tulla, vol4, page 303, GS film# 101590, Dig. folder 0042000672, image 00480.

    Ann Droney, dob/April 9,1864, father John Droney, mother Mary Fahey, Newmarket On Fergus, Indexing project # C70122-9, System Origin: Ireland-ODM, GS film# 101088.  The reason I copied this is because the other side of my family, the O'Briens had cousins in Newmarket, so I thought   maybe that's where the connection was.

    From the same website I found a Mary Droney listed as dob.1794, dod. 1872 age 78, Tulla, Vol. 19, page 333, GS # 101586, Dig. #0042000218, image #00078

    Mary Droney dob.1823, dod. 1888 age 65, Tulla, Vol. 4, page 371, GS# 101594, Dig #0042000676, Image 00289.

    From the 1911 Irish Census I found an Anne Droney as a boarder in Fox and Geese, age 74, which makes dob. around 1837.  Perhaps a sister or cousin to my great grandmother Bridget.

    I'm hoping to at least find my gt grandmother's mother's name (John's wife) maybe Mary, but it could be something else.  Or it could be the Honoria or Margaret Droney who show up on the Griffiths.  If I find any additional info I will let you  know.




    Thursday 29th May 2014, 02:03PM

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