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I am descended from James White & Catherine Purcell of Callan. Their son Michael [born ca 1790] married a Mary Dray/Drea [location & date unknown] & they had children Edward 1824, James 1826, Charles 1828, Thomas 1830 & Joanna [Ann] 1833 in Halifax, Nova Scota. Michael was a labourer for a time on the Shubenacadie Canal. I have found him on the 1838 Halifax census by which time Mary had died. I think Michael died in 1847. James & Catherine's daughter Catherine married first a Thomas Guinan, then Thomas Lyons in Halifax, NS in 1824. 

Any help tracing living descendants of James & Catherine in Ireland would be welcome. Also any information on their marriage & parents. Thank you. 


Sunday 29th Jun 2014, 02:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Jean,

    Civil registration began in Ireland in 1864.  Up to that date the churchs kept baptismal  and marriage records.  I went to and found that the Callan records start in 1821.  I have searched for a marriage record for James and Catherine but to no avail.  Irish records are notoriously difficult and non existant.

    I'm sorry that I can't help you in your search,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy


    Sunday 29th Jun 2014, 06:48PM
  • Thank you Anne for your swift & kind reply. As it's not possible to find information from the records for that date, I was hoping to connect with someone else who had this couple in their tree. 


    Monday 30th Jun 2014, 06:07AM

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