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Looking for Information on these families (My great Grandparents). I know Bridget came from Marhin but not as sure about Daniel any help would be appreciated.

Bridget Fitzgerald

b. 1885

f. Michael Fitzgerald

m. Mary Sullivan


Daniel Hoar


f. Patrick Hoar

m. Mary Manning

Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 05:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Michael:

    I located the 1901 and 1911 censuses for the Michael Fitzgerald family. There was no Bridget listed but a 15 year old Mary. Is this a sister or is it Bridget? Did Bridget and Daniel marry in Ireland or America?

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 06:53PM
  • Hello Michael,

    The church records for Co. Kerry are online at

    I found the baptismal record for Bridget Fitzgerald, father Michael Fitzgerald, mother Mary Sullivan, in Ballyferriter 1877.

    I found the baptismal record for Daniel Hoar, father Pattrick Hoar, mother Hanora Manning, Ballyferriter, 1878

    Kind regards,


    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 08:12PM
  • Thanks Anne. I appreciate the help.

    Mike gamelli

    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 08:21PM
  • Thanks Rodger,

    I'll try and verify some of the information provided.

    The attached link is the house they were born in. This is from some information provided by my newly found cousin in New York but I have no way of identifying the house number. Is Marhin just a small cluster of homes or a town?,-10.41572,3a,75y,233.36h,87.08t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sDC73CusmI6xe8EvCE3FIMw!2e0

    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 08:29PM
  • Michael:

    Marhin is a small parish (2794 acres) in West Kerry near Dingle. There are 11 townlands in the parish with the largest Marhin (748 acres). This townland is where your Fitzgeralds came from and the area as your picture shows is farm land with scattered houses.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 1st Jul 2014, 10:24PM

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