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My 2x great grandparents immigrated to Canada in 1865 or 1866.  Both were from Limerick and were married there in August of 1865.  They were Michael Normoyle (born 1846) and Bridgette O'Conner (born 1847).  I believe their fathers were Edward Normile and John Conners. 


Any information about the above would be appreciated.

Saturday 26th Jul 2014, 12:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Keith:

    Roots Ireland  has the 1846 baptism for Michael. His fathers name was Edmund on the baptismal record which occurred in St. Johns RC in Limerick.

    Roots had two Bridget Connors/Conners baptismal records in 1847 with a father John. One was in St. Johns RC also so I presume that was your relative.

    There was also a Michael Normile/Bridget Connors 1865 marriage at St. Johns. The civil marriage index record is below.

    Roots is a pay site to view the transcription of a church record.

    Roger McDonnell




    First name(s) Michael
    Last name Normile
    Registration District Limerick
    Registration year 1865
    Registered Quarter/Year 1865
    Volume 15
    Page 277
    County -


    Michael Normile married one of these people
    Catherine Tuohy, Mary Corbett, Mary Ryan, Bridget Connors

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 26th Jul 2014, 01:05AM
  • Thanks Roger.  That's more info than I had 30 minutes ago.  I've been researching for months and hit a dead end once Michael Normoyle left Ireland.



    Saturday 26th Jul 2014, 01:40AM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thanks again for your info.  Again after a bit more research I am 90% certain that you have found my Michael and Bridget, and Michael's father was Edward.


    Now I'm following up on a few more leads.  I believe that Before Michael and Bridget left for Canada between 1865 and 1868 they had a son named John.  He must have either died before 1971 or was left behind.


    I also believe Michael had at least one brother named Patrick born in 1850 but have not been able to confirm.  There is a Patrick Normile born 1850 baptised at St John's RC to an Edward and Johanna but I haven't seen the record to confirm. 


    If anyone else is researching this I either hope they can share with me thier findings, or in the very least this little information may help someone else.




    Wednesday 17th Sep 2014, 05:40PM

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