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I am trying to find either the birth certificate or death certificate of Thomas Burns, father of my Great Great Grandfather Thomas Burns b. 1850 Belfast in the parish of Shankill, Belfast.

My paper trial stops with GG Grandfather Thomas Burns b 1850 who was a postman in Belfast. 

His father Thomas Burns, date of birth unkown, was a publican in Belfast.






Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 03:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Birth and death registration only started in Ireland in 1864, so you won?t get a birth certificate for Thomas Burns (publican) nor a death certificate unless he died after 1864. You might just find his baptism but to do that you would really need to know his exact denomination and the church where he was baptised. (And not all baptism records from that era have survived).

    I searched the Belfast street directories for ?Thomas Burns, publican? 1818 ? 1880 but did not find one listed. 

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 07:48AM
  • Hi Ahoghill, many thanx. I'll try to get a hold of his baptism record from either St. Patrick's or St. Mathews in Belfast.  I know that my GG Grandfather Thomas was married in St. Mathews 1871.

    He was 21 at the time and on the Marriage Certificate and it states that his father, also Thoma was a Publican.

    I found a George Burns, publican in a street directory who managed or owned a pub in May Street.

    My GG Grandfather Thomas lived in 33 Little May Street at the time of his marriage.

    My GGG Thomas Burns is a mystery as you can tell.  His paper trail is non existant.  It's possible that he immigrated and died abroad after 1850 Thomas was born.


    Thanx again,

    Roy Burns.

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 11:03PM

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