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My great, great grandfather, John Byrnes, came to Canada in 1831 with his wife, Margaret Armstrong and six children.  John born approx. 1784 and Margaret about 1793.  The children are James born 1820, John born 1822, William born 1824, Mary born 1828, Susan born January 5, 1830 and Thomas born 1830.  I believe they came from Wicklow according to relatives.  Two children born in Canada..Edward in 1834 and Alice born 1843.  They farmed on Third Concession in Leeds and Lansdowne Front and are buried in Lansdowne, Ontario and Union Cemeteries.  I think John Byrnes may have had a brother James as he called his first born by that name.  James may have stayed in Ireland and there may be descendants.  I saw two John Byrnes in Title Applotments Books between 1823 and 1837.  Could be our John.  He came out in 1831 so Griffiths Valuation does not help.  We now spell the name as Burns.  I was Marilyn Emily Burns, now married to Bob McDougal.

Some time back I came across something that said John Byrnes may have farmed at Tinahely, 3 acres, southwest of County Wicklow

Also my son was in Ireland in 2011 and saw many grave stones with Byrnes name on at Glendalough.

Of course, the name could be spelled a bit different.

Byrnes country was Ballymanus, Glenmalure, Kiltimon, Newrath, The Downes, and Aughrim.


Thursday 21st Aug 2014, 10:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    I was hoping someone would have some information for you on this before I got to you!

    I had a look on but couldn't see any baptism records for children of John and Margaret, nor could I find a marriage record for them.

    There are 9 baptism records for a John Byrne in Co. Wicklow on that site, but without parents' name or a parish to focus on it would be difficult to say, which, if any, is your John.

    Have you already tried searching or rootsweb for instances of the family name in Wicklow and/or exhausted every source on your end? There are quite a few James Byrne entries on the Griffith's Valuation, assuming he did stay behind.

    Sorry I could not be of more help to you, I know you are excited about the upcoming trip.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 26th Aug 2014, 11:36AM
  • I am looking for information on James Byrnes married to Mary Murphy.  Their son Thomas Byrnes (Burns) was born 23 December 1818 in County Wicklow.  Thomas married Margaret Nowlan (Nolan) in Uticas New York and had a daughter named Margaret before moving to Dodge Co., Wisconsin sometime after 1853.  Their next daughter Mary Ellen was born in Wisconsin in 1856 and they also had two other daughters--Theresa and Agnes.  THomas, Margaret and the three of the four girls are buried in Fox Lake, Wi.  Margaret married John Carlin and is buried in Columbus, WI.


    Thursday 18th Nov 2021, 05:32PM
  • Attached Files
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    I may be able to help just a little bit. My father's family all came from Tinahely, and they ended up on Fitzwilliam estate there, "owned" by the British. There is a book you should look into - actually two by the same author. His name is Jim Rees and the two books are both titled Surplus People, one is about the journey from Wicklow to Canada and the other is The Fitzwilliam clearances 1847 - 1856. That's where my father's family was. There were several Byrne families in that area, mostly farmers, The two books tell the story of what life was like in that area back then, he mentions that the landlord, Lord Fitzwilliam owned an 80,000 acre estate, Coolatin, the largest in Wicklow. From 1847 to 1856 he removed 6,000 people and sent them to Canada.

    My father's 2nd G grandfather married a Byrne and also one of his Gg uncles married a Byrne. That name is very common in that area. I went there several years ago and found a lot of information, I also stayed in a B&B in Tinahely and the woman was very helpful, she let me copy a book that listed the "residents" of the local cemetery. I am attaching the pages that mention the Byrne family - maybe something will help you there. I imagine we are related (by marriage) several generations back. Let me know if I can provide any more info.

    Carol Styles Hirata


    Friday 19th Nov 2021, 12:51PM
  • Hi Carol!

    your reply re the Byrnes caught my eye in particular the book of the local cemetery residents. Is there any mention of McFadden's in there? If so could you attach a copy of the listings?

    Many thanks, Pat McFadden


    Saturday 20th Nov 2021, 12:29PM
  • On there is this record:

    Name:James Byrne


    Event Type:Marriage

    Marriage Date:5 Nov 1813

    Marriage Place:Wicklow, Ireland, Ireland


    Spouse:Margt Murphy

    Here's a link:…


    Whether or not this is who you are looking for I don't know.


    Saturday 20th Nov 2021, 01:00PM
  • Hi,

    I too have a number of Byrne decendents from County Wicklow.  Most of my family emigrated to the US, NY and California specifically.  Not sure if we are related.  In my efforts to track down Byrne relatives I came across a Y DNA project for Byrne decendents on FamilyTreeDNA.  Unfortunately I do not have any male relatives from this line that want to participate so I can't join.  You should check it out if you have any males that will take the Y DNA test.  Here is the link.

    There is also a County Wicklow group on Facebook called Wicklow Geneology.

    Happy hunting!  May we find out that we are related.




    Saturday 20th Nov 2021, 09:34PM
  • Your post was delivered to me today  I suppose because I had been searching for the surname BURNS

    It was interesting to read the name Susan as one of the children of your John Byrne, as Susan is the first name of the mother of my James Burns  -   ( I realise there is no direct link but just the use of it.)

    My gg grandfathers name was James (we know the surname as Burns)  He was born c 1822/24   

    1822 calculated from death cert. and the year calculated from his marriage cert. it is 1824 

    His parents being Philip Burns and Susan Carlyon (unsure if her maiden name spelling is correct) - taken from his marriage certificate  Born in Belfast. Father was a manufacturer.  I do not know of any other children to this couple

    My James came out to Australia circa 1852 (again according to death cert.)   and married in Sydney in 1862 at Mariners Church - we believe he was a seaman


    Marcia Holdsworth



    Sunday 21st Nov 2021, 12:22AM
  • Sorry, I didn't find any McFaddens, or even something close. I wish it had helped.



    Monday 22nd Nov 2021, 01:38PM
  • Hi, I'm also struggling with finding relatives in what seems to be the same area...I'm looking for my husband's Doyle family...

    Michael Doyle (no details as yet, other than he or his wife Margaret Murphy possibly died before 1849 as the eldest known daughter Ann bc 1826 came to Australia on an 'Orphan Ship'...her details change a bit so not entirely sure where she is from...

    Known children of Michael Doyle & Margaret Murphy...

    Anne bc 1826,  Michael bc 1831, Mary Elizabeth bc 1836, John bc 1840, James bc 1844 & Matthew bc1847

    All these siblings were at one time residing in the same small mining town of Woods Point, Victoria... the records I've found in Australia confirm what appears to be the same parents Michael & Margaret (Murphy not noted) Doyle

    I have found possible baptisms in Ireland however they don't always have Murphy as the mothers surname & so don't know for sure I've found the right baptisms for them...or a definate marraige for Michael Doyle & Margaret Murphy...

    Only marraige I found for Michael & Margaret was in 1816 at Rathvilly, however first known child is bc 1826, but they may have had some earlier that didn't come to Australia..

    I cannot actually prove the Murphy connection myself, it was given to me by someone that had done a lot of detailed research but I have nothing concrete...

    Mathew Doyle is my husband direct ancestor and I have nothing concrete other than he came to Oz with 2 brothers in 1863 and stated he was from Ireland.. When Ann came she stated she was from deceased parents born Gorey, Wexford

    Would love to get more proof of this family connection, maybe I need to remove the tenuous Murphy connection & look elsewhere, any ideas would be helpful





    Wednesday 24th Nov 2021, 12:32AM
  • Forgot to add, funny enough the person who did all the research on this family was a Byrne born in NZ, quite a co-incidence I'm sure & he is now deceased so I've lost that connection



    Wednesday 24th Nov 2021, 12:34AM
  • In reply to John Byrnes query, I have a Biddy Byrne (1785-1865) married to Tom Jordan of Coolboy..Sometimes she is down as Brien eg When her son Hugh was born in 1824.When daughter Mary was born in 1823 she is down as Biddy Byrne. also when CATHERINE was born she is BRIEN..When she married Tom in 1815, she is Biddy Byrne.

    patrickjoseph35, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 24th Nov 2021, 02:06PM
  • My family are now Burns, but the further we go back they change to Byrnes.

    This is what I know, but I am sadly now faced with a 'brick wall.'

    My Great Grandfather was John (Patrick?) Burns (Byrnes?) - given place of birth (according to 1911 England census - he was living in England at that time) was Carnew, county Wicklow. Date of birth April 1st 1865. Occupation retired skip and basket maker. On his marriage certificate he gave his father's name as Martin Burns, a fisherman. My Dad recalled that the family came from an area known as Glendalough which was according to them 'a great seat of learning and a place of natural beauty'... sadly I dont know how or when John Patrick Burns came to England, I can't find anything on his father, Martin Burns the fisherman, and I havent been able to find out an address for where he could have been born in 1865. I think he may have been a Catholic, as his son, my grandfather, was shown as Roman Catholic on his army records. Anyway, somehow, the family settled here in Blackburn in Lancashire, England, where my Dad was born and where I was born, and still live. Maybe someone can help! Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone !









    Friday 26th Nov 2021, 03:19PM
  • I'm the great, great grandson of Dennis and Anne O'Toole.  Anne O'Toole was an O'Byrne, the daughter of Anthony O'Byrne and Anne Metcalfe.  The O'Tooles and O'Byrnes were centuries old allies, populating the Glen of Imaile andGlendalough in Co. Wicklow.  Dennis O'Toole left Donard, Co Wicklow in March of 1848 for the US intending to settle around Muscatine Iowa where -- apparently -- an number of O'Byrnes had immigrated.  He died in May of that year, however, journeying up from New Orleans to St. Louis.  He was accompanied by his older daughter, Mary, who settled in St. Louis. Anne O'Byrne O'Toole was left behind in Donard with their 8 other children.  The oldest of which, Terrence, my great grandfather was then dispatched to St. Louis to care for his older sister. There's a great deal of materials on the O'Byrnes (Byrnes) of the Glen of Imaile, both in Ireland and in southestern Iowa.

    Terry O'Toole STL

    Saturday 27th Nov 2021, 06:46PM

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