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Am working with local people to catalogue Gleesons of Baggotstown West pre l1938. Have family Gleeson groupings done from Knockainey Baptism and Marriage records . Am descendant of William G b dec 1845 of John Gleeson and Bridgit Connelly (Bruff) married 1822 Bruff  lived on farmlands of BW and raised 10 children.  Wm and some siblings lived adult lives in Manchester New Hampshire USA . Asking for any info on Gleeson ancestors in general and above family in particular.

David (Gleeson)  Rattray  Ottawa Canada


Tuesday 21st Oct 2014, 10:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • A local, Eddie O'Dea ( kindly went thru my Great-Aunt's 1925 Diary and analysed the inerrelationships of the many persons mentioned in it, including Gleesons.

    I have attached a copy of the Diary, which may be useful. Gleesons are also mentioned on the preiphery of my family Tree at ("Thomas- Fogarty").

    Good luck

    Martin Thomas


    PS:- Ireland Reaching Out won't let me atach the file as it exceeds 1mb. You can either get it from my site or send me a request at


    Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014, 07:39AM
  • Hi David,
    One person I would suggest you contact is Damian Gleeson.
    Damian and I share ancestors from the Bruff Knockainey area and he has visited the areas twice that I know of to further his research. He has also written a book about the inter relationship between the Gleeson family and several other Irish families who migrated to Australia in the 1800's. His email address is:

    I have my family tree in
    If you would like an invitation to it you can email me at

    Christine Robbins nee O'Brien
    descendant of Daniel & Terence O'Brien, Johanna & James Dooley, Ellen Connor, Catherine & Patrick Carroll & Catherine Connors all from around Bruff & Knockainey area born late 1700's & early 1800's

    Sunday 26th Oct 2014, 07:47PM

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