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I have a question about what the official name is for the graveyard situated next to the Catholic church ruins in Castletown, just north of Ballyagran in County Limerick. The reason I'm asking is this:

After years of research on the genealogy of our Flanagan and Malloy/Molloy lines, my husband and I finally got to go visit our ancestors' parish of Ballyagran in County Limerick this month.

Our plan was to walk the graveyard of the Catholic church at Ballyagran--at least that was what we presumed, but apparently I didn't do my research quite thoroughly. When we arrived at Ballyagran, we asked someone walking along the road next to what looked like a church--apparently it was a school--where the cemetery was. She told us we had two options: one to the south at Colmanswell, the other up the road at Castletown. We opted for Castletown.

While the walk through the ruins and old grave markers was fascinating, we were disappointed that we didn't find any markers with our family's surnames. Even so, we decided to make the most of it and photograph headstones to share online, in case others would like to know more about their ancestors from this area.

I had hoped to share headstone photos of these old grave markers on Find a Grave, but I can't find any entry on their website for the name Castletown-Conyers graveyard. That is why I am wondering if it also goes by another name.

Does anyone know what the official name for that graveyard should be?

Thanks in advance for any help with this!


Monday 27th Oct 2014, 11:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jacqi:

    I live in the States so I'm not local. However, everything I've located on the Internet indicates that the cemetery is Castletown Cemetery. We have some local parish liaisons in Co. Limerick so maybe someone will see your post and comment also

    By the way, I found your blog posting also. Looks good.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 28th Oct 2014, 12:36AM
  • Thanks for the help and also for the links. I've also heard the cemetery referred to as Castletown-Conyers, so I'm hoping someone can verify what people from the local area know it as. I didn't see any signs.

    Thanks for your comment about my blog, by the way. I'm trying to share what I've found in my research, in case others would find it useful as well.


    Wednesday 29th Oct 2014, 12:34AM
  • Hi Jacqi!

    I have family buried in that graveyard, and was in the process of adding them to Find A Grave when I came across your post here. In order to add my own family members, I had to add Castletown Graveyard as a new cemetery to the website - this is the link:…;

    I have uploaded photos of the graveyard too, but they may not yet be visible as they are "pending approval" apparently. 

    I hope you have better luck soon with tracing the whereabouts of your own family in the area too.

    Best regards,



    Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 07:29PM
  • My grandparents are both from Ballyagran and Colmanswell.  It is one parish and there are at least three graveyards.

    One is at Colmanswell, the second at the ruined Church next to the McEniry estate, and the third is in Shandrum, Cork.

    The oldest stones are probably at the ruined Church.

    Vincent Shay

    Lake Forest Il

    Monday 21st Mar 2016, 06:44PM

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