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Searching for information on my grandmother Mary Lawton who was born around 1873 and was  somehow connected to Ballyseede Castle.  She immigrated to the US in the late 1800's or very early 1900's.  she was married to John Lovett.  Any information would be helpful.  My father never talked about her history and I was to young to remember anything she might have told me.  As I age I would like my children and grandchildern and now great grandchildren to have an idea of where they come from.  Thank you.


Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014, 02:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    I looked for a civil birth index record for Mary Lawton in the Tralee registration district but did not find a record. The closest records were a Mary Anne Ladden in 1871 and a Mary Laddin in 1873. There were also Mary Lawlor  records in the early 1870s.

    I did not find any Lawton records in the 1901 census for Co. Kerry.

    Let me know if you have any other info.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014, 05:18PM
  • Hello,

    I hope you don't mind me butting into your research. I have spent a couple of years tracing my family through Kerry and USA, from my home in England,sadly not Lawtons or Lovetts. As Roger has already said there are no exact records matching the names you give. While researching mine I found a large percentage of ancestors whose name was a complete suprise to me, my aunt 'Rita' was really Margaret!, my cousin Marie is really Margaret Mary!

    If you don't mind I am happy to spend a bit of time searching for you, I am now retired and like the freshness of a new challenge now and then as it re-invigorates my own searches.

    Can you confirm what knowledge you do have, ie are names correct, locations correct, and importantly do you know where they went in USA. It would help if you can fill in your father and mothers names.

    Where are you based?

    If you would like me to 'mind my own business' please just say so, I won't be offended.



    Michael Carr


    Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014, 07:30PM
  • Could your Mary Lawton have married in Springfield, Mass. in 1901 ?

    There's a marriage on FamilySearch of a Mary Lawton to a groom with the surname Lovett, but his firstnames are given as Richard Francis. Mary has given her age as 28, which would work out at 1873 and matches your details, but I suspect she may be under-estimating slightly since based on parents names noted on the marriage, (Richard and Eliza nee Walsh) she appears to have been born in Cork in 1869 - see here

    p.s. the mother of the groom is a Blennerhasset, which is a name assocated with Ballyseedy townland, and Tralee

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014, 09:27PM
  • Ithink you have it.  I am originally from Springfield where my parents and grandparents lived.  I checked the names on the grave stone pictuces I took some years ago and my grandfather was listed as Richard Lovett.  My grandmother was Mary Lawton Lovett.  Their brith years were 1876 and 1873 on the stone.  I was always given the impression that it was my grandmother that was a Blennerhassett, however I was very young when she died and my memories area clouded.  thank you for the information.   I will try and find out more info for my great grands as I am the last of the Lovetts from this branch in this country, as far as I know.  would love to find some relations in Ireland, but probibly more than I can hope for.

    Thank you very much,

    Mary VanNest in Hamlet NC




    Wednesday 24th Dec 2014, 01:19PM
  • Michael, Of course I don't mind your "butting in".  I need all the help I can get at this point.  

    What I have found is my grandfather was Richard Francis Lovett born in 1876 I presume around the Tralee area to Thomas Lovett and Sarah A Blennerhassett..  My grandmother Mary Josephine Lawton was born in 1873 in Cork to Richard Lawton and Eliza Walsh.  So looks llike the Blennerhassett connection is on my grandfathers side not my grandmothers.  This info was given to me by another member.  

    The family rarely spoke of Ireland and/or family and I was very young and remember little.  That there was a castle (Ballyseede) in the family made an impression on my 4 year old brain.  

    For my children, grands and greats I would love to trace the family history for them and find out if there are any living relatives left.  When I was in Ireland several years ago I could find nothing to connect the dots and sort of gave up.  

    My fathers name was Daniel Francis Lovett and my mother was Lillian Marceau Lovett.  Her clan came from Canada.  My dad was born in Springfield Ma on May 28, 1904 and passed May 16, 1975. He lived in Springfield all his life.

    I am currently living in Hamlet NC and am semi-retired.  That means I work only 3 days a week but do the work of 5 days in those 3 days.

    Thank you for any and all help.

    Mary Van Nest

    Wednesday 24th Dec 2014, 03:16PM
  • Good day Mary,

    With the information you have given me I have found:

    Daniel Francis (your father), born 21st January 1877, occupation in 1930 Inspector for Rubble Company, living Ward 7 Springfield City..

    George E Lovett (your uncle)

    Richard J Lovett (your uncle)

    Richard Franbcis Lovett (your grandfather) Born Ventry, Kerry, emigrated to USA 1887, occupation Street Railway Operator

    John Lovett (grandfather's brother & son of Thomas and Sarah Ann)

    George Lovett (grandfather's brother & son of Thomas & Sarah Ann)

    Catherine Lovett (grandfathers sister & son of Thomas and Sarah Ann)

    Thomas Lovett( great grandfather, married Sara Ann Blennerhasset 13th May 1858 Occupation Shoemaker)

    John Lovett (your great, great grandfather, father of Thomas, Occupation Farmer)

    Sarah Ann Blennerhassett (your great grandmother)

    John Blennerhassett (your great, great grandfather, father of Sarah Ann)

    I would appreciate your confirmation of any of these details before I dig deeper, thus ensuring I am on the right track.

    If I continue it may be easier if we can contact direct which will enable me to attach copies of the family tree I am building.

    For future reference my tree for you will be in what is known as JEDCOM format. If you are able to access software that will allow you to view this format then you will be able to access all the background information and notes.( I use Family Historian which is freely available for a small price and can be purchased as a download for your PC.)  This would mean me sending you a small attachment to an email which you could open quickly without having to track through lots of info. as I have given above.

    Hope this all makes sense. I look forward to hearing from you.






    Wednesday 24th Dec 2014, 03:53PM
  • just to fill in some details on the locations, and a link to start on Kerry records..

    Richard's Baptism in Dingle RC parish   (IrishGenealogy website, free to access. Security Captha code may be required to view)

    Ventry is located about 8km (~5 miles) west of Dingle, Co. Kerry.

    Mary Lawton's birth is registered in Walshtown More, which is the name of both a district and townland located abt 6km (~4 miles) north of the town of Midleton, Co. Cork.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 25th Dec 2014, 11:49AM
  • Hi Mary,

    Just realised my last email stated a file type of JED COM, this should have read GED COM. Think I had a Star Wars moment!!

    The link I have pasted below may be of interest as it gives a potted history of the Blennerhassett's.






    Saturday 27th Dec 2014, 04:08PM
  • If u type in Blennerhassett on this site there is some info connected to the castle of some connections that may be of use...the name Huggard appears as do connections to both Conneticut and Mass...p.s. to the originator of this post...I now live in ireland...limerick which isnt too far from Kerry, but i used to live in Agawam, near Springfield Mass...interested to see the name Marceau...i know i am sidetracking a small bit but i seem to remember my folks having friends with that name...was there a Bill Marceau...can't recall his wife's your family? I would imagine these people may possibley be deceased at this point. Thank you...hope this helps...mgt.

    Sunday 28th Dec 2014, 08:52PM
  • The Marceau line I am decended from originally both grandparents from Canada, were living in Indian Orchard MA.  I had a cousin William son of either Seraphine and Irene or Harry and Irene.  He passed on several years ago.  I also have a uncle still living that married a Billy and she passed a long time ago.  My mother was from a family of 14 children and I am the youngest "cousin" by about 13 years so I really didn't know very many of my cousins as they didn't want to have anything to do with the "baby" pain. lol

    I have a family tree for that family packed away, just recently divorced and moved to NC.  As soon as I find it I will have more info for you.

    Thank you for the interest and help.

    Mary VanNest


    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 05:02PM
  • Hello again...I cannot recall Bill's wife name, Nancy comes to mind but I could be wouldn't surprise me about the Indian Orchard connection, but i cannot recall how my parents knew these Marceaus either...most of their friends would have been mother would have had relatives in the Hungry Hill section of springfield (Houlihans mainly) who originated from Dingle and beyond in Kerry whereas dad was from limerick and only had a few distant relatives in Mass. most of whom were Reidys.  If i can be of any help on this side of the pond or if you get any interesting info on the Marceau side, drop a line. take care, Mags

    Friday 2nd Jan 2015, 03:52PM
  • Hi Michael, lovely to see your name pop up and all this beautiful research.... my hat is off to you. We are still looking for parish liaisons for some of the Kerry parishes..would you be interested?? You would be most welcome..

    Warm wishes


    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 06:15PM
  • Delighted to see all the help you have received. How exciting!


    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 06:18PM

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