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I am looking for any information on one Robert Clements. The information that I know so far is very limited. Any information or suggestions as to where to search would be appreciated. Robert Clements was born 1803 in the county Antrim (from his headstone/grave marker) He served with the 15th Company, Royal Sappers and Miners in approximately 1826-1831. He was a Private with his duty listed as "Miner". The task of the 7th and 15th Companies was the construction of the Rideau Canal from Bytown to Kingston in West Canada (Ontario). When the 7th and 15th Companies disbanded, some of the members decided to settle in the area now known as Eastern Ontario. Robert Clements is my maternal Great-Great-Grandfather. Thank you

Wednesday 4th Feb 2015, 08:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Without some idea of his denomination or where in Co. Antrim he originated, it?s a bit of a needle in a haystack. In addition it?s a reasonably common name in Ireland. In the 1901 census there were 16 people named Robert Clements. (Mostly Presbyterian, indicating Scottish ancestry).

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 06:23PM
  • In the 1851 Census (Canada) his religion is listed as E. Methodist. His religion is the same for the 1861 & 1871 censuses. He died in Canada in 1886.

    Thursday 4th Aug 2016, 11:37PM

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