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I am seeking information on my ancestors who Originated in County Donegal.

My Great Great Great Grandfather was named Thomas McBride

He was born about 1780 in County Donegal..

He was married to Isabella or Isabelle (not sure of Surname - possibly Graham)

His children were: Elizabeth (1802), Robert (1810), Arthur (1816), James (1821), John (1826) and William (1826).

Thomas and his family left Ireland in 1833 aboard the Brig Zephyr sailing from Ballyshannon and Sligo on April 10th, 1833.

They emigrated to Canda in the province of New Brunswick and the county of Carleton.

Along with his family, he also took his nephew, also named Thomas McBride (1824)

I will be visiting Ireland this summer (2019).

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I have run into an information blockage on this side of my family.


Monday 9th Feb 2015, 07:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dale:

    Unfortunately, RC church records for Co. Donegal are very hard to find for the late 1700s and the first part of the 1800s. For some reason, most RC record start around 1850 or later. The one exception is the Lifford RC church which has records in the late 1700s but I checked Roots Ireland and could not find a record.

    McBrides in Donegal mostly come from northwest Donegal particularly Tullaghobegley and Mevagh civil parishes with some in Clondahorky parish.

    You may want to consider DNA testing. Since you are a McBride you may want to take the Y-DNA test which tracks the male line. You can also consider the autosomal test which tracks distant relatives on both your paternal and maternal lines.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Feb 2015, 08:52PM
  • Monday 28th Jan 2019, 08:18PM

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