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Seeking any information about the James Wisnom family of Ballycarry/Templecorran. James was born in Ballycarry, Antrim, Ireland in 1813. His father's name was James. Potential siblings include, John 1815, William 1818, Alexander 1826, and Samuel 1832. 

James died in 1870 and is buried in the Old Templecorran Cemetery with wife Margaret Hunter, and son Jame (b. 1840, d. 1873)

I am seeking to learn more about James' father, and verify the birthdates of James' 8 children: Mary Ann, 1837;  Elizabeth (Betty), 1839; James, 1840; Margaret, 1841; Samuel 1841; Agnes (Nancy), 1844; Robert, 1845; and Alexander, 1847. James and Alexander are the siblings whose birthdates were not supplied in the information passed down. James is my 3rd great Grandfather. Robert my 2nd great grandfather. 

There is a story in the family that the Wisnom ancestor from Antrim was actually one of the Danish Soldiers who came with William in the 1690s. I am aware that the final battle took place in Limerick. I am wondering if there are stories of the orginal soldiers making their way back to Antrim Co., or being injured and staying in Antrim. The story goes that this ancestor was injured, was granted land by William in Antrim. He stayed, married and made his income by teaching the "way of the sword."

Thank you for your time. 


Wednesday 27th May 2015, 10:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • For those births, you will need to rely on church records. Do you know which particular church your family attended? (Most of the Wisnoms in that general area appear to have been either Presbyterian or Non Subscribing Presbyterians but there are several churches they may have attended).

    What was James Wisnom?s townland at the time of his death in 1870?

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 3rd Jun 2015, 11:45PM
  • James leased property in both RedHall and Forthill, leased from David S. Kerr. The properties are across the road from one another. His youngest son John's (b. March 8,1866) birth record indicates his home as Red Hall. James 2nd wife Margaret continued to reside at the Red Hall property after James death.

    I have not identified which church the family attended. 

    Thank you for your help.

    Ginna Wisnom Beckett


    Thursday 4th Jun 2015, 07:57PM
  • Ginna,

    I see James probate file. He died intestate:

    Letters of Administration of the personal estate of James Wisnam late of Redhall County Antrim Farmer deceased who died 1 February 1870 at same place were granted at Belfast to Margaret Wisnam of Redhall (Ballycarry) aforesaid the Widow of said deceased. Effects under ?200.

    The valuation records show he just rented land only in Forthill and that he resided in Redhall. The farm passed to Margaret in 1877, and then to Alexander Erskine in 1898. No Wisnom/Wisnams in Redhall in 1901, so we don?t know their denomination.

    I think all you can do is search the NSP and Presbyterian records form  Larne, Islandmagee, Whitehead and Ballycarry. They don?t all have records back as far as you need, and few of them are on-line. However what does survive are copied and held in PRONI in Belfast. You may need to arrange for someone to search them for you, if you can?t visit in person.

    Searched PRONI?s general on-line catalogue. Only reference of a Wisnom in that area was D2095/18:

    ?In the Belfast Newsletter, March 5, 1760 "the snow Captain Breton, mounting 10 guns and men answerable, commanded by Captain Robert Wilson" was advertised to sail from Larne for New York, the 1st April ensuing, wind and weather permitting, "any who inclined to indent as servants, go on redemption as passengers, or had goods to ship or freight, were to apply to W. George Dunlop of Ballycastle, Captain John Wisnom or W. Hugh Montgomery of Larne, or W. Thomas Gregg of Belfast." The voyage to America, which in those days would take perhaps 3 months must have entailed many hardships to the passengers in these over loaded sailing vessels.?

    PRONI also have a record of a James Wisnom of Carrickfergus who had probate granted in 1843. No other record survives. A Jane Wisnom, also of Carrickfergus, was granted probate in1852. Perhaps his widow? Alexander Wisnom of Duffshill was granted probate in 1856. (That?s a family name).

    No Wisnams listed in the tithe applotment records for Redhall or Forthill in 1833, or indeed anywhere in Templecorran, suggesting the family arrived in the parish after that year.

    No Wisnom (and variants) in Co Antrim in the Muster Roll for 1630. The only one in Ulster was a Symond Wisname in Cavan. So that points to your family arriving in Co Antrim sometime after 1630.




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 4th Jun 2015, 09:28PM
  • Thank you Elwyn! 

    Your insight is most helpful. I have pulled together so many facts while sitting here in the states, but receiveing your thoughts and observations of information you were able to track down helps me connect some information.

    Your time on my behalf is so appreciated!

    Blessings, Ginna Beckett



    Tuesday 9th Jun 2015, 07:54PM
  • Hi there, I was born in Carrickfergus. My grandfather was Ronald Wisnom and my father went by the same name.My understanding is that our unusual family name originated in Holland. Part of William III army. It probably was changed for pronunciation reasons.I am very interested in the American Wisnoms as quite a few members left for USA. My family was the last in N Ireland and I currently  live in California. Any information about them would be appreciated.



    Friday 9th Sep 2016, 12:15AM
  • There are several reasons I am excited to get your note.

    Please correct any of the following....
    Your grandfather: Ronald Joseph Wisnom 
    Birth: Nov 11, 1888 Carrickfergus, Antrim, Ireland - Source: US Naturalization
    1901 Ireland Census: Carrickfergus, living with Minnie and Janie. Listed as Randle J. Wisnom
    Marriage: Emily Robina McFerran in December 1916
    Son's Birth: Ronald Joseph Wisnom, December 1919
    Arrival: Through Canada - 1921
    Naturalization: May 17, 1929 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
    Residence: Richland, Guthrie, Iowa in 1935 and 1940 US Census.
    Marriage: Georgia Hazel Rowley in Iowa. Before 1935.
    Death: Jan 23, 1978 Eugene, Lane County, Oregon

    I am unable to identify your great grandfather's name. That will allow me to know how we are related.

    You are within driving distance of several cousins. Cousins Jane lives in Pasadena. She is a family historian. Victoria lives in Beverly Hills, and Jim lives in LA. And, this month, on September 21st the San Mateo Historical Society is honoring the Wisnom family at a fundraising dinner. I can check with family to see if there are tickets left. Here is a newspaper article.…

    Finally, the fact that your family spoke about William III military being the avenue that your ancestor came to Ireland is fantastic. You say Holland. Over years, my family might have translated that to Denmark. 

    Anything yuo can share would be most helpful. While you are intent on connecting with your US relatives, I am intent on putting together pieces of the Wisnoms in Ireland.

    My email address is Please feel free to reach out via email as well. 


    Friday 9th Sep 2016, 03:35PM
  • Coleen:

    New records were released this week that I can acess from the internet. I now know your great great grandfather was Joseph. Joseph was in San Mateo, California for a period of time working as a carpenter with Robert Wisnom. A 1873 photo featured in The Wisnom Family of San Mateo published by the San Mateo Historical Society in 1989 shows Joseph Wisnom standing on scaffolding at the construction site of the first Wisnom home. Robert Wisnom is also in the photo. Joseph is about 15 years older than Robert, about 44 years of age in this photo.

    You have a tie to San Mateo!



    Saturday 10th Sep 2016, 03:31PM
  • I live in Ausralia, but am home in Ballycarry for a few weeks. 

    I have more information back in Australia, and will copy that to you when I return, but here is some that I have with me, from my grandmother's notes.

    'Robert Wisnom was born January 13, 1845, Ballycarry

    Father James Wisnom b 1813 d 1870

    Mother Margaret Hunter d 1850

    Robert was one of eight children, 4 boys, 4 girls

    written by R J Wisnom- "Danish soldierr Wisnom came to fight,  King James about 1698 was granted land near Carrickfergus for his Deeds. called Wisnomland"

    Original Wisnom that came as soldier was burried at Kilroot


    Also - Mary Ann born 25 Feb 1838 or 1836 died 17Feb 1923

    Married in Baltimore, America 9 June 1857'

    I recall a place called Wisnom's Corner from my childhood and it is between Knocknagullagh and Kilroot, so perhaps Wisnom land is around there. I have also looked up records on the Ulster Historical Foundation's site and have found these 2 headstone inscriptions at Kilroot graveyard:

    Erected by Captain Samuel Wisnom in memory of his daughter Jane, who died 21st June 1867, aged 5 years, also John, died 22nd December 1877, aged 5 years and Isabella, 18th January 1885, aged 8, also Jane died 27th February 1887, aged 18 years.



    Erected to the memory of James Wisnom, who departed this life 23rd August 1831, aged 53 years

    {Sandstone Headstone} [ James Wisnom, 23/08/1831, No will.]


    other records for Wisnoms are also on this site but you have to purchase credits


    Here are others from UHFS site



    Carrickfergus CI

    Templecorran Old

    Templecorran Old

    Templecorran Old

    Templecorran Old



    Carrickfergus CI

    Carrickfergus CI

    Glynn Old

    I am going for a walk this morning to Kilroot Graveyard and will see if I can find any headstones.

    I understand my grandmother, Margaret McAlpine Sturdy's grandmother was Elizabeth /Betty Wisnom, who married Thomas Hamilton. 

    There definitely are links to San Mateo as the brother who was a carpenter moved there. 

    Can you upload photos on this site? 

    I will ask family here for more information, and will give you what I have in Australia in early October




    Sunday 11th Sep 2016, 07:07AM
  • Anne: It is so great to hear all of this information. We may wish to transition communication through email feel free to respond to, if you wish.

    I am envious of your walk through the Kilroot Cemetery. My aunt has visited the cemetery. This is what I have on record in the Kilroot Cemetery. 

    Kilroot Cemetery - James Wisnom b. 1778 d. Aug 23, 1831

    Jane Wisnom 1862 – 1867 (Erected by father Captain Samuel Wisnom)

    John Wisnom 1866 -1871

    Jane Wisnom 1869 - 1887

    Isabella Wisnom 1877 - 1885

    If I am able to trace your line correctly... Your line is Robert's sister Betty (Elizabeth). However, Betty and Thomas Hamilton's son Edward was raised by Betty's older sister, Mary Ann, and her husband Edward Sturdy. Young Edward was possibly adopted by Edward and Mary Ann as most of the records I find on him use the last name Sturdy. 

    I would be most intrigued to learn more about Wisnomland. One of my sources has indicated that a John Wisnom leased land in Antrim County in 1721, but I don't know the location of that lease. I would be absolutely thrilled to be able to identify the first Wisnom in Ireland - I would imagine that grave site at Kilroot Cemetery is no longer visable. I don't know if they kept local records back then.

    I would also be interested to know what your family says regarding the Wisnom's leasing land along the Cattle Trail along which the Scots drove Irish cattle thorugh the Commons, passed the Wisnom's in Carnbrock, to Whitehead and also Islandmagee for transport to Scotland. Is there any Wisnom connection to the Cattle Trail? Or were the Wisnom's mostly farmers?

    I am happy to link you to my tree on Ancestry - Wisnom1813. I would need your email address to invite you.

    What is exciting is that Coleen, from the above response to this message, is from another line of Wisnom's. If my research is correct, we are 4th cousins. Coleen above is a 5th cousin 1 x removed.

    Looking forward to comparing notes.

    Ginna Wisnom Beckett




    Monday 12th Sep 2016, 04:32PM
  • I know that I'm a bit late coming here, but my Great Grandmother was Hazel Rowley and her son/my Grandfather was Ray Wisnom. While I've done the Ancestry DNA test to confirm Ireland/Wales heritage, I don't have any more knowledge than that. But I can answer questions that relate to my branch of the Wisnom family and would love to hear more information from other Wisnoms.

    Thursday 21st Dec 2017, 05:32AM
  • Lisa:

    Tell me more about your grandfather, Ray. Was he born in Iowa? Did Hazel and Ronald Joseph marry in Iowa? Sometime after 1935. Your DNA test should have matched you to my father Tom Wisnom as a distant cousin. My Wisnom family tree is there as well - Wisnom 1813.

    Coleen, above, would be a descendant from your same line. She is a relative through Ronald Joseph's first marriage to Emily Robina McFerran in Ireland. He left his first wife and son, Ronald Joseph Wisnom born December 1919, for the US within 2 years of his son's birth.

    Please feel free to communicate with me through my email address

    I look forward to hearing from you.



    Friday 29th Dec 2017, 09:02PM

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