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John Reed

Although I have been researching my family tree for 20 years, the vast majority of that time has been spent on ancestors who lived in Germany and the U.S.  I neglected the Irish ancestor because of the common surname, its variations (Reed/Reid/Read), and my ignorance of the country and its records.  I am hoping to cure this lack of knowledge via this website and a trip to Ireland within the next two years.  If I am able to prove that John Reed is indeed my 6 X great-grandfather, I will happily make a side trip to Kildress parish.

All the information I have about John Reed comes from another researcher:

Born:  about 1695 in Kildress parish, County Tyrone.

Listed as a Protestant (Presbyterian) Householder in 1740 in Kildress.

Emigrated to America shortly thereafter with his wife and seven children.

Married to Margaret (surname unknown).

Settled in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania where he died in August 1778.


One of his children was Robert Reed, b. 1717 in Co. Tyrone.  His line in the U.S. is well documented.


I would be grateful for any confirmation of the above and/or guidance regarding other places I might search for same.

Thank you.

Thursday 9th Jul 2015, 02:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Apologies for the very long delay in answering your message. Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 11:31AM

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