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My ancestors John Hartnett (1828-1919) and Ellen Cournane (1820/25-1915) are shown in the LDS records for the RC Church of Glenflesk. Their children are: Mary (1851-1899), John (1853-1928), Michael (1854-1930), Margaret (1856-1924), Timothy (1865-1898, my g-gfa), & Catherine (1864-1937).

The first 5-siblings moved to and married in Buffalo, NY, USA, and Catherine who stayed in Brewsterfield as a spinster married John Buckley (1867-1932) in 1906. John and Ellen Hartnett plus daughter Catherine Hartnett are listed in the 1901 Irish Census in Brewsterfield. All show up again in the 1911 Irish Census, except Catherine is married to John Buckley and they have a daughter Alice Buckley (1907-1937). Alice died in the Killarney Asylum from TB. All of these birth are listed in the Glenflesk RC Church and noted in LDS Family Search records except my g-gfa Timothy.

I don't know John Hartnett or Ellen Cournane's parents, but I suspect Jeremiah Hartnett & Mary Brien for John, and John Cournane & Mary Horgan or Daniel Cournane & Mary Regan.  Any help or known relations please contact.  Anyone near Glenflesk RC Church, I'd appreciate looking at records if possible.  One day I'll make it over there...  Thank you for any information/help.  Tim   


Thursday 30th Jul 2015, 11:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Timothy:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Here is a link to the parish register for Glenflesk  Baptisms start in late 1821 and marriages in 1831. Records (transcriptions) are also available on

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 31st Jul 2015, 01:04AM
  • Hi Timothy
    My name is Gary Rennison. I am a descendent of the Hartnetts. I am also a member in the LDS church maybe you and I can work together and find a common thread that connects us. My email is Email me anytime. I look forward to talking with you. I hope we can do this together. Thank you very much.

    Monday 24th Aug 2015, 07:08PM
  • Hi All--  My son & I are planning a visit/tour to Ireland come 15 Sep 2017.  The tour covers the southern most part of Ireland from Dublin thru Killarney for a week.  We'll tour for a week, then stay another week.  This is the plan.  My focus on the 2nd week is to spent time at the RC Church in Glenflesk.  This is the church my Timothy Hartnett/Harnett and Ellen/Helen Cournane/Courtney's hail from.  The last known residence for this family was in Brewsterfield.  Catherine Hartnett married John Buckley in 1906 and had a daughter there in 1907 named Alice Buckley.  

       We'll probably spend 3-4 days in the Killarney/Brewsterfield area then maybe head up to Clare to visit my O'Connor homeland in Killadysert area...That's it for now, more later...  Tim Hartnett


    Friday 27th Jan 2017, 07:42PM


    Hello Tim.  I am from Killarney and have family near Brewesterfield.  Have a look at Ellen Cournane, Tullaha baptism 1828 in Glenflesk. Parents are John Cournane and Alice Connor.  



    Tuesday 22nd Aug 2017, 08:12PM
  • Catherine--  Thank you much.  I've been busy this past 2-1/2 years.  I will look into your reply.  It's entirely possible on Ellen Cournane in Glenflesk.  I apologize for my delayed response. Thank you so much.   Tim Hartnett



    Saturday 31st Aug 2019, 02:10AM
  • Hello Tim  -  just wanted to throw another name into the mix.  In the Griffith's Lists there is a John Counihan in Dromdiralough, now called Lough Guitane, farming next door to our g g grandfather, Edmond Spillane.  I think that Cournane and Counihan may be interchangeable.  The Spillanes married into the Counihan family in 1834.  Quite a few in and around Glenflesk.



    Monday 18th Oct 2021, 02:00PM
  • Bridie--  Have you completed a DNA?  I haven't seen an alternative to Cournane as Counihan, but they have used Courtney.  I don't see any Spillane's.  The main church I have is Glenflesk RC.  Thanks much for getting back to me.

    Catherine--  I was going to visit Ireland with my son back in 2017, but my son Jason had a relapse of his Brain Cancer, and for the next two years I took sole care of him until he passed in Aug 2019.  

    FYI--  I'm trying to back to my research.  If anyone wants to correspond directly, my email is:  It is probably easier this way.  Thanks to you all for responding to my queries.

     Roger--  Thank you for your reply and reference.

    Gary-- Let's continue to work together on our Hartnett descendants.



    Saturday 27th Nov 2021, 04:30AM

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