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My Great Grandmother was from Abbeylara, My wifes Great Grandmother also came from here too?  Her name was Mulligan

Danny Sheridan

Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 02:53PM

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  • Dear Danny

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Do you have any dates for us and/or some first names?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 03:18PM
  • yes   Mary Kiernan 1870- Granard  Her Parent were Thomas Kiernan and Bridget Marmion    Bridget was from Meath   I will give you a full run down tomorrow    I need to pull out my research    Mary was one of 13    I will be there in September  I will be in Granard on 23rd and back again 27th for a few days  I would be happy to meet you and give you all info    



    Danny Sheridan

    Monday 17th Aug 2015, 12:40AM

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