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I am looking for any information on my husband's great-great-great grandparents, Hugh and Mary Shier.   I have the following information:

Hugh Shier born Courtmatrix 1812, son of Charles Christopher (born 1776/died 1844) and Ann Shier of Courtmatrix.   Lived in Kiltemplin, Briska Beg, Elm Park, Cragbeg.

Mary Shier died January 27, 1892, Cragbeg, Clarina.   I do not have her maiden name or birth or marriage info to Hugh.

Sarah Shier born around 1847, married Adam Winter (a Scot) in 1866 - I have their marriage certificate but not Sarah's birth certificate.

I realise the Church of Ireland in Kilkeedy is in ruins but does anyone know where the records from this church were taken and  kept?

We will be in the area in October and looking forward to seeing where the family lived.   If anyone in the area knows of the family or where we might get more information, we would appreciate it very much.

Thank you.

Catherine Garth Anderson

Ontario Canada


Sunday 28th Apr 2013, 09:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.

    I have forwarded your request to a volunteer in Co Limerick who may be able to offer some advice.

    Please register your visit to Ireland using the short form found on our HOME page titiled 'Visiting Ireland 2013'. 

    All the best.

    Genealogy support


    Thursday 30th May 2013, 11:52AM
  • can also be spelled Shire,

    Sheir/Shire, is a pallatine name,

    look up Palatine Museum Rathkeale co Limerick.

    register your post on that board.

    contact me on (oconnelljohn1) skype name




    Saturday 12th Oct 2013, 10:58PM
  • read the attachment


    Sunday 13th Oct 2013, 05:28PM
  • i just know my dad's real last name shoudl be shire. or some spelling of it. hoping i can contact my mom and get more information on my great grandmother who was full blooded irish. she married a full blooded german with the last name lehmann. all i know is i have a lot of irish and germen in me. and would really like to find out my coat of arms and my tarten colors.

    Tuesday 10th Dec 2013, 03:45AM
  • in google search enter (IRISH CLAN TARTANS),

    also look look up, flag & ensign colours

    ensigns are used in heraldry, i do not know if their is a web site that 

    can be use to find the ensign colours of a specific family name.

    in google search enter the name, (SHIRE) to search the history of the name,

    it might display the colours of clans or families in ireland

    look up house of names enter the name, (SHIRE) will show you the coat of arms,

    also ente the Lehmann name in, House of Names




    Tuesday 10th Dec 2013, 10:18AM

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