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We have definitively traced my ancestors back to a small town called Halesborough, in Portneuf, Quebec, Canada.  We know they emigrated from Ireland in 1822 and left from Belfast on a ship called "The Union".  It was owned by an import/export/timber company called "Coltman and Hale".  Unfortunately, it did not have a passenger list.  My family was one of two Catholic families among the passengers, the other being the Kennys.  The rest of the families were Irish Protestants.  Among them were the Whites, Kingsborough, Ball, Bonnalie, Welsh, Kearney, Jess, and others.  

My cousin joined and someone had posted a family tree there that we think may be ours and it lists the Meehans as coming from Inver Parish - the areas of Inver, Kilcar, Ballymccahill, Frosses, and Mountcharles.  However, we have lots of questions regarding this information and I would like to someday confirm if it is the same family.  

Our *confirmed* information (ie. the ancestor that traveled to Quebec) is as follows:

John Meehan (born circa 1765, died 27 Oct. 1838 in Cap Sante, Quebec) married circa 1802 to Bridget White (born circa 1768, died 28 Feb 1840 in Cap Sante, Quebec).

Their children:  Patrick Meehan (named in Bridget's will as eldest son), Nicolas Meehan, John Meehan born circa 1798, James Meehan born circa 1804 died 13 Dec 1878, Bridget Meehan, Helene (Eleanor) Meehan born circa 1811 died 15 Aug 1852, and Margaret Meehan

Unconfirmed (wish to confirm) - John Meehan may have been previously married to Bridget Boyle, daughter of Owen and Sarah Anne (Rowe) Boyle in 1782 at Bally Mccahill, Inver, Donegal.  John was the son of Owen Meehan who was born at Inver Parish in 1725 (died 1780).  


Wednesday 15th Apr 2015, 12:14AM

Message Board Replies

  • Amy:

    Unfortunately, Co. Donegal is probably the most difficult county to find RC church records back to the first half of the 19th century. Most parishes including Inver do not start with records until the 1850-1860.

    Also, civil registration did not start until 1864.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 19th Apr 2015, 01:36PM
  • Kilcar is a sperate parish from Inver, I think the parish of Inver is the biggest in the Raphoe diocese.
    The surname Meehan is quite common in the area.
    Have you tried the Belong to Inver Fcaebook page. It might be worth posting on there.

    Monday 20th Apr 2015, 11:09PM
  • Thank you rm1978.  Yes, I am on the Belong to Inver Facebook page.  I have posted on there a few times, hoping to find someone who might be related and have some information.  Thought this page might be worth a try too.  I've also been to Inver in 2011 and I'm hoping to return again, perhaps next year.  I did notice quite a few businesses with the Meehan name, so I think I'm close!  Just wishing I could get that final confirmation, to know for sure.  


    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 12:38AM
  • Thank you rm1978.  Yes, I am on the Belong to Inver Facebook page.  I have posted on there a few times, hoping to find someone who might be related and have some information.  Thought this page might be worth a try too.  I've also been to Inver in 2011 and I'm hoping to return again, perhaps next year.  I did notice quite a few businesses with the Meehan name, so I think I'm close!  Just wishing I could get that final confirmation, to know for sure.  


    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 12:38AM
  • You have done well to find information before 1800.  My family was protestant mostly from Inishkeel Parish.  However, I have been documenting folks in Inver and Kilcar.  I am a Maxwell and there is a 1815 birth record of a Patrick Maxwell in Inver.  I believe he later moved to the family land at Lackagh, Inishkeel.  I have not found proof.  I have found a large group at Kilcar parish.  I have a DNA connection to somone who lives in Kilcat parish but have not been able to make contact.  But it tells me that there is a connection somewhere.  In my research I have corresponded with a person in Austrailia with Meehan and Friel connections in Inver.

    I am at a loss at the moment, but I think I have seen a marriage record in Inver betweena male Meehan and a female Maxwell.

    In 1858 Elizabeth Maxwell married Richard Coulter at Point.  Witnesses were Patrick Meighan and John O'Friel.

    In 1853, I have a record of a John Maxwell who married a Mary Love.  It seems one or both was from Drumhome parish, but the wedding address was Inver.  The witness were Patrick Merghan (Meehan I presume) and John Preston. 

    In 1855 a Margaret Maxwell married David Long.  Witnesses were George Buchanan and Robert D Mahon (Is this a derivation of Meehan?)

    Lastly you mentioned Kenny.  My 3G uncle George Maxwell from Lackagh Inishkeel married Ellen Kenny from Glenties.


    I am sure there are other Meehan references out there.  These are some that I have stumbles upon. 

    Todd Maxwell




    Todd M

    Tuesday 21st Apr 2015, 08:59PM
  • Todd,

    The information before 1800 is what I am trying to confirm.  It was posted on, but without listing the sources.  

    We do have a Patrick Meehan (confirmed), but by the 1850's he would have been in Canada.  

    Meighan is definitely a derivation of Meehan.  Mahon could possibly be a mis-spelling, but also could be a different name.  

    Our Helene Meehan married a Dennis Kenny, but I think they were married in Quebec.  The families that I listed as emigrating together all settled in the same area, many of them along the same road, called "Route d'Irlande (Route of Ireland)" in Halesborough, Portneuf, Quebec.  




    Wednesday 22nd Apr 2015, 03:39PM
  • Yes, I try to gather information about the migration pattern.  My Irish came to Pittsburgh and in fairly large number.  There was also a migration to New Zealand and to Austrailia.  I have found a few that went to Canada.  As with you, I have a group of surnames that always set bells off when I hear them. I have been pleasantly surprised to find in Inver that the Protestants and RC seemed to mix to a certain degree.  So I was glad to see your post.  Meehan was a name I recognized.


    Todd Maxwell

    Todd M

    Thursday 23rd Apr 2015, 04:25AM
  • Hi, just wondering if you got any further with your research in the few years since you posted.

    I'm a Meechan (A Meehan/Meighan whose line passed through Scotland), and it seems that my line points back to Inver. Specifically Creevins/Drumcoe/MountCharles area.

    I have William Meighan/Meehan and his wife Ellen Keeney married in 1839 and on the 1841 census. From what I understand, his mother was called Mary, and Ellen's parents were John and Mary Keeney (poss. nee Sharp or Geams). They had a son named William Meehan/Meighan, and possibly a daughter, Mary.


    Thursday 25th Feb 2021, 10:17PM
  • Robbie,

    As it turns out, I just recently found baptismal records for all the children of John Meehan and Bridget White that I mentioned originally (plus two more!) in the parish of New Ross in County Wexford!  I had a professional genealogist look over everything I had to make sure I was on the right track.  We also did a DNA analysis through  He said I may have ties back to Donegal, but from before there is a paper trail.  I've fallen in love with Donegal so I certainly hope so!  

    Anyway, I guess that is not much help to you.  Best of luck in your search!  




    Friday 26th Feb 2021, 02:31PM

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