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James and Lawrence Corry/Currie were born in Mullylun, Knockninny, in 1831 and 1837,  the sons of Terence Corry and Bridget Smyth.  Both James and Lawrence migrated to Australia in 1859 and 1862 respectively. 

They had an older brother William, born in 1816, who married Mary Corry.  Their first child, Thomas, was born in Drummany, Knockninny, in 1843.  The 1851 Scottish Census lists William and family, plus James and a sister Bridget all living in Carnock and working at Forth Ironworks.  James married Anne Hart while there and before leaving for Australia.  William and Mary had 6 children in Scotland. The last one, John, was born in 1858 at Carnock.  I can find no further trace of William and family.

Terence Corry had a brother, Lawrence, who was born about 1810.  He also is listed with the family on the 1851 Scottish Census.  Griffiths Valuations show a Terence Corry at Tomregan but I doubt this is my Terence.  They also correctly show James and Lawrence renting at Red Bog, Belturbet prior to departing for Australia.

Both James and Lawrence did fairly well in Australia after many years of hard work and some luck.  I am the great grand daughter of Lawrence and have just finished writing what I have found out about James and particularly Lawrence and their life in Australia.

I would dearly like to know more about Terence and Bridget and Terence's brother Lawrence, and to know if there are any living relatives still in Ireland.. 


Noella Currie

Wednesday 26th Dec 2012, 10:17AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Noella,


    Thanks for your message. I have passed it on to one of our volunteers in Fermanagh. Hopefully they will be able to advise or assist you.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 12th Feb 2013, 12:36PM

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